A little to be thankful for mantra

I’m thankful to be able to sleep and wake up another day without the need to hit the bubble. I’m thankful I have my mind to myself ans I’m no longer paranoid about the people ans things around me. I do miss my “friends” sometimes and I do miss the way of life but I think that’s mainly because I need to rebuild around me. I don’t mind rebuilding my empire… It kinda sucks and might take a while but it’ll be worth it for dann sure. I’m thankful to be able to breathe these breaths with sober healthy clean air.


It gets easier, especially when you start making more sober friends

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I’m exactly where you are. Off the bubble 6 months now and still working on rebuilding, and I too miss my “friends” but I know I can’t go back to that crazy ass paranoid person I was. It took me over and it grabbed hold hard. Great job on coming off that shit is insane no joke. One if the hardest things I have ever went through throughout the course of my addiction. Keep fighting the fight! Congrats!

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Gratitude is essential to a successful recovery for me, it sounds like you have it in spades! This is a great reminder for me to look at my gratitude list and maybe add some stuff. Thanks for posting!