A milestone I never expected

Ninety days free from alcohol!! So looking forward to the next ninety! I can’t say that I will never drink again but I have no desire to at this point and all I want is to continue moving forward and getting better - completely alcohol free. Today was a bit of a slow and boring day but that still didn’t make me want to drink. That was a nice feeling. Bad and boring days will happen but alcohol will never make it any better. You just have to stay strong and push through.


Congratulations! 90 days is awesome. Keep it up!

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I like boring chill days! I never had fun at the end of my drinking career anyways, just the same old shit. Get off work, get drunk on the drive home, plop down and put the tv on while continuing to drink. Highlight of the night might be a fight with the wife.

Congrats on the 90! Keep on trudging that road to happy destiny!

my clean/sober date twin ! I’m so proud of you ! let’s keep kicking addictions butt ! :tada::balloon::tada::balloon:

Congratulation on 90 days :muscle::muscle::muscle: a great reason to be proud and smiling :slight_smile: you do got a great attitute , hold on to that . Boring days yes that will happen and lol no reason for to drink . But you hold the power to change that . Keep up the good work that you do , be the change you want to be . Belive it to make it :clap::clap::muscle::muscle::muscle:

Way to go on 90 days! I remember how relieving that was for me. Beware the boring days, those are the ones that scare me the most. I have so much I’m doing in life it helps me stay busy for the most part but some days I don’t want to do any of that stuff and I get those nasty cravings. Stay strong!

Congratulations! Feels good, yes? Want to keep moving forward and getting healthy? You’ve found the secret: sobriety.

I know with cetainty that I will never drink again. Have given myself permission to drink and ended up in that familiar place one too many times. Not going back to alcohol. Never. I will defend my sobriety because I am defending my life.

Hope the next 90 days are so covered in awesomesauce for you, that you arrive at the decision to throw away any thoughts of ever drinking again.

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