A strategy I like for now

October was bad, but November I wanted to change it. I have these stickers i havent used in years. I got a piece of paper and each night I dont drink, I add a sticker on. This is how it looks…have not used at all this week.

Sharing because it might be helpful for people who keep trying to stop and drinking - its worth counting the days you still do fight the urge and win.


That’s great. Figuring out those rewards are great I do some tea and three chocolates. Give me something to look forward to


I love the creativity and the physical representation of how far you’ve come! Great idea💗

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I love this idea. A bedtime reward system

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I like this idea
Its a very good tool to reward and help you stay accountable

Also addiction has its way of tricking your mind to block reasoning. Its like i forget life sucks under the influence.
This would remind me if my goal of abstonince from substances

I need something like this but its not quite it, even though its a great idea

Im looking to do something thats physical and matrial


Here is the updated thing. Ive stuck with it. Ive had some nights where ive drank but as long as there are more nights where i can add a sticker i am ok for now. So i started november 7th and this is what it looks like january 9th. I just counted -52 days i did not drink in that time, some i really wanted to but didnt bc i knew itd make life worse.


I like this idea, will grab some of my kids stickers, one night spider man might win next night paw patrol


Got a calendar, only found my daughter’s dolphin stickers so need to up my sticker game but I don’t think they sell stickers of cigarettes or coffee so will have to do, I’ve also started adding any exercise I do do the days, I like this thanks @Minatasha nice visual representation


This actually made me smile so big! I love the dolphins. I agree about the visual representation. And its satisfying to my inner child to pick out the sticker :joy: .

Dolphins still rocking

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@minatasha are you still around, how are your stickers doing