A Year Sober, What I've Learnt

This was great to read this morning! Congrats buddy! After I hit my 1 year things changed dramatically. Everything got so much easier.

It’s always so good to see you here. Your perspective is so similar to mine. Keep up the amazing!


Dude, such a big CONGRATS to you!!! That is a pretty amazing accomplishment! What’s your favorite change so far?

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Without a shadow of a doubt not feeling like crap in the morning. The sheer pain of my last hangover both mentally and physically will live long in my memory. I was so ill. When I look back at all the lost days I’ve had from hangovers I can’t believe the difference this year has made. To wake up on a Sunday and play golf feeling great is so pleasurable. There’s been a few times I’ve craved drinking, not the actual drink, I’ve craved being wasted, all I do is think about how ill I’ll feel the next day and that’s that, nice bottle of Kombucha does the job.


Very well done mate and motivating story. Bookmarked it, early days for me but posts like this make a huge difference!


Huge congratulations :confetti_ball::tada::clap:
This is a very inspiring, very honest and very motivating post. I love it. Great work. You can be super proud of yourself

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