Abbreviations! Wtf?

Ouch! :kissing_smiling_eyes::kissing_smiling_eyes::kissing_smiling_eyes:
I am just too lazy to go to another window and type. Plain lazy! Lol.

I mean, I can get to the info just like you said but I feel like an underpaid research assistant.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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WTF, FML and IKR (I know right?) are the ones I use the most.

That team up north?

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Yup!!!..the team we own…well…2 of the teams we own up north

Oh no, its definitely laziness.


NVMD… Nevermind. Learned that one this morning. lol


Once I thought FTW meant “fuck the world”… it doesnt… it means “for the win”… so I spent a while using that totally wrong and a lot of things I posted not making much sense… looking back HILARIOUS


I used to think it meant that too but was too unsure of myself to use it!

Yes, fuck my life. For the longest time I read it in my head as “fuck me large”. LOL


Yeah…on fertility boards AF means something VERY different!!

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Recently I texted my daughter “what r u doing?” and she replied “nm”. I nearly flipped. How rude of her. But I thought she was saying “nevermind” when really she was saying “not much”. LOL She then explained that “nevermind” was nvmd.


In my circles “nm” and “nvm” both are used as never mind, though 90% of my friends/acquaintances just type it out, but I haven’t seen “nvmd” and can see how “nm” would be “not much”

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I just spit diet soda across the room…hahahahah…i need to wipe off my phone now

What does it–oh my! Yes it does! :rofl:

No me too
I mutter past them cus they dont make sence and i never use_ lol and now my 65 yesr old dad does!
heres one : wtf!!!

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

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