About Ready to give up

Too much stress coming on at one time. I feel like I am about to undo everything I have accomplished in the last few weeks.


There is no reason to even think about giving up. Stick to your guns and remind yourself about all of the bad things that using has done in your life.Remind yourself that you will get through these trials and that nothing can make you use but you. Remind yourself of how proud you will be of yourself in the morning if you wake up sober and you have proven to yourself that you can in fact conquer the substance that haunts you every day. Remind yourself that sobriety is the only true happy way to live and by being sober you will be able to think clearer and solve the problems better that are causing you stress. Just REMIND yourself there is this whole community of people out here and we are here for you and we don’t want you to use. Think of how good it will feel to report back and say that you didn’t use but instead stayed clean!


Whatever’s causing the stress won’t go away if you drink. You’ll just be adding hangovers and self-hating to the mix. It can be tough being sober. But great things don’t always come easy.

We are all on your side. That’s an army of good wishes.


I understand sometime we need to turn our brains off, it gets too much… However, there is a high chance you won’t even enjoy relapsing because you have too much shit in your head! Alcohol lies… Dont listen to it!


Thank you. I owe you one.

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Thank you. This community is so supportive.

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Ask yourself where giving up will lead you to and answer it honestly, you know it’s not going to take you to a good place. Staying on your current path will give you a life filled with positives, you’ll have tough times, there’s no escaping that, but you’ll be able to tackle them and overcome them with a clear mind.

Stay strong

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I hope you’re feeling a little better now, Hopeful. Did you try anything to help with the stress? I’ve been walking a lot lately. And drinking Pellegrino as my treat. Deep breathing is a ready great way to biologically turn off your sympathetic nervous system, which is the fight or flight response command center. If you force yourself to slow down by breathing slowly, your parasympathetic nervous system (calm center) kicks in and starts to bring you back to a healthier place. There are apps with breathing guidance. I like Calm app.

I know your stress is probably something major and me suggesting breathing and walking might seem out of proportion with what your dealing with, but i hope something helps you find peace. This too shall pass.


Just remember to breathe and remember how far you have come and the reasons on why you never want to go back to that lifestyle.

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How are you getting along Hopeful23?

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This is a good time to create and utilize other coping mechanisms. This unfortunately will not be the last stress you will ever experience, so use it to help you learn how to deal with it sober. Good luck, and stay strong!! :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch::boom::boom::boom:

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It helps to know there are others who understand what I am going through. Thank you for your words. They helped me out a lot.


i identify with this. I can not deal with almost anything or make it through just a few days before picking up. I go to a meeting almost every day, have a sponsor, although she very rarely reaches out to me. Is that how it’s supposed to be? I have a commitment and s therapist. Recently tried anti depressants but they made me feel worse…or could have been the continued drinking. Idk… thinking about rehab but that’s scary. Hard to make myself a priority. I hate that I’m feeling like this and feel like a child, but it’s honestly what I’m thinking 24/7. I feel like one of the unfortunates but don’t want to give up.

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Stronger. I feel like I am starting to feel like I have more control.

Way to go @Hopeful23! I’m proud of you for staying strong and not giving in. That was really hard to do, i feel certain. Good job!

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