About the Advice & Questions category

Do you have any advice that you’d like to offer? Share it here.


You cant let your past eat you up you need to start fresh with today and set simple task to lift you up.living in the past and not in your present sobriety could allow you to relapse you are a wonderful person dont let anyone tell you different. We are all loved


I promise you the beginning of struggling addiction will not last a lifetime…I know it may feel like it but I assure you it gets better!!! Keep your head up :


Seeking help & advice about my drug addiction, how can i change if my wife & sister is also drug user?

Hello thank you I was wondering how I can get a sponsor i have tried to quite drinking many times. Im trying again i feel it would help if I had a sponsor thank you so much have a great day stay safe

My advice is until you find the true higher power nothing will fall in line. You will always struggle. So hopefully sooner than later you can figure that out.

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I find that if my hands are busy. I dont think about drinking. Needless to say mom and sis are proud. I finally learned to crochet. Ok beginning stages ive made a scarf.

Keep helping others and showing others love and you will automatically be in a more peaceful place as when we help others we help ourselves. This is a FELLOWSHIP.

raerebel, How did you find your higher power? Please share.

Will this get better? I am having negative thoughts, getting aggravated easier, not wanting drugs but just
Acceptance I will do better.