About the Motivation category

Do you know of any proven methods to stay motivated or inspire motivation in others? Help your peers by sharing your knowledge.

This category is all about how you stay motivated in your daily life. Feel free to ask questions or post advice.


My daily motivation everyday is waking up and saying thanks to whom ever is ur upper power!! Even if you work or u are in school something nice to open ur day with muaic. Download positive quotes so when you wake up it set to where u read something that’s gonna give u wisdom and strength to have a good day


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Personally I find that Meditating is a very powerful way to stay motivated,meditation will encourage,motivate and inspire not only yourself,but after you learn and practice the craft of meditation and mindfulness you will find yourself inspiring others without Evan realizing your doing it.


I find yoga to be very satisfying. It distracts my mind and body. Doing this good thing makes it seem stupid to do the thing that is bad for me.

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I find motivation in my routine. Wake up, pray, read some literature, go for a walk or run in the morning. Then off for my day. I plan my day around my meetings and keep my recovery 1st!!

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Personally I like watching movies about mountain climbing. The most recent one on Netflix is about tom Caldwell climbing the Dawn Wall in Yosemite National Park. I am not a mountain climber but these stories inspire me to find ways to conquer my own fears and keep me motivated to do my best in my sobriety

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This is a great post tks for sharing…I am building a Pinterest Board for Alcohol Free Living and will share the link…I like to pay it forward and to empower others fyi


Celebrate Recovery

Let’s not trip over what is already behind us!!


Happy one year anniversary with the people who encouraged me! Keep it going!