Accept the things I cannot change!

I am in a rehab facility that just recently made some drastic changes. We are no longer allowed to smoke at the facility nor are we allowed to go outside freely as we once were. The no smoking doesnt bother me what is really bothering me is not being allowed to go outside freely. When we go outside now we have to sign in & out but we are only allowed out 4xs a day day now for 30 minute intervals. I am a person who uses going outside as a coping mechanism to deal with my sobriety & now its making me very agitated that I can only go out when they sy so and its making me feel like I wanna leave the facility…

How much longer is the program? Maybe there is other options.

Rehab wasn’t an option for me financially, although I would like to be in a place that I could really focus on recovery and not have to try and fit it into my busy life

I’d try a few more days and see how you feel. Talk to your counselor. Make sure it’s not your alcoholism trying to separate you from recovery.

My alcoholic thinking is always trying to keep me separated from the support I need.


maybe have a word with someone there tell them how you feel might help. i didnt go to Rehab when i got sober only AA at that time wish you well hope you can sort things out

When I was at an inpatient rehab, though they did allow smoking, you NEVER went anywhere except the head (bathroom, shower) and bed without staff. We woke up at 0600 and lights out was at 2200. We were in class all day long, six days a week and hit a meeting AA/NA (they mixed it up) every evening. We had no access to internet, cell phones and very little TV time of an evening. We had Sunday afternoons to ourselves and once you were there 2 weeks you could request a 2 hour pass with your family (no friends) if you didn’t have any rule violations. What was also taken into account was the chores you were assigned. If you did receive a pass, you were given a breathalyzer when you returned to the house and a UA that evening. That UA was sent to a lab for full screening.

I say this because the place I recovered, was focused on recovery and not a social life. They wanted us to focus on our recovery and not have to worry about outside influence or worries. Maximize the time you have in recovery. Use it to build an awesome set of tools that you can use once you leave. I hated the rules when I was there, but once I went home I was so glad they had us on a tight leash.

Don’t leave brother.Juat a little wisdom…This will teach you how to deal and grow through situations that you don’t like.there will be times in your sobriety like this one…maybe on a job,in a relationship,where you can’t do what you would rather do,and it’s gonna cause some triggers to occur.This experience will strengthen you to be humble and steadfast despite trying obstacles.Peace and Love.