Acceptance of feelings

I hear you on emotions and feelings and family of origin. I wasn’t raised in an emotive and I was and am a very emotionally driven person. I was also very dramatic and chaotic in my younger years…go figure! :rofl: I had a lot of conversations with my husband over the years on emotions and feelings being ‘okay’ to feel and express. He is trained as an electrical engineer, so his brain works a bit different. :wink:

It is comforting for me to be at a place where my feelings no longer rule me. Don’t get me wrong, I get mired in them plenty, but as you said, being okay with feeling them has been key. I think a lot of the current ease for me is aging out of hormones + just life in general. Feelings are what they are…learning to acknowledge them and release them has been a huge part of my journey in life. Definitely a positive of aging and lack of hormones…silver lining!! :heart:

I am glad you shared your thoughts and feelings!!


This is partly why i put things out there because i think its good to talk about these things n open it up for others to read and add their experiences…im still learning for sure


Me too :100:x​:100:!! :heart::people_hugging:

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