Acceptance of God's Will

Acceptance is a hard topic. I know they say God’s will.but it is so hard to just completely be able to let the wheel go especially when you are having to go to court of the mess you made of life while still out there in active addiction. Not knowing what the future holds trying to make things how you think they should be but when all reality God’s will is going to be done and it will all happen in His timing


In terms of sobriety God gave us the decision to drink or use drugs or not to. Whether or not we do is up to our own will and not his.

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Thanks, I’ve been in and out of the program and after I relapsed the last time I been out for a while it feels so good to be back “home” I am in a program and living life trying to get my old wreckage straightened out and my side of the street cleaned up. But as we both know a huge process but in God’s time everything will work out right


I do agree that using or drinking is our will and not God’s because I don’t believe he intends for us to use…I just have a problem with handing everything over to God and then trying to take it back and try to do things how I think they should be done ya know


Thanks for encouraging words

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