Accidental relapse?

Dear Community, yesterday I accidently drunk half a Beer bottle :confused: never mind the details, but i thought it was alcohol free. I did notice a slightly different taste, but i downed it so quickly, i was terribly thirsty. After noticing, felt so bad, the alcohol switch has turned in immediatelly and craving for more. I chucked the rest half away and rushed home fighting the demons on the way. Its my day 54…
The Situation tought me to be really really carefull and consious and has proven to me, once again, how bad my alcohol illness is :confused: terrible experience.
I really hope i do not have to reset my ticker​:confused:it has been such a motivation the past weeks… What do you guys think? Happy sober sunday :grinning:


If you genuinely thought it was alcohol free then I wouldn’t reset personally but you’ve got to be totally honest with yourself.

Great job though when you found out at not going further in on the addiction


It was an accidental mistake so I would not reset my timer if that would happen to me.
Alcohol free beer is tricky because they still can contain alcohol and can name it alcohol free.
In my drinking days I checked the label because I wanted the highest amount of alcohol in my wine. In my sober days I check the label as well but for the opposite reason :sweat_smile:

Congratulations for the 54 days :confetti_ball:


It was an accident. Heed the warnings …

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It really was an accident, im totally honest here, the moment i realized it, and overcome the first shock, i got rid of it and left the place. Usually stick to the 0% Alkohol free, i know there are several opinions on that, but i do enjoy the cold slightly bitter taste…tried swapping it to tea, soft drinks, but that only made things worse :confused:
Thanks for the opinions, i will just carry on and really watch out.


As long as it truly was an accident i wouldn’t reset. Be extra diligent now as the sleeping demon got a taste again.


Been saying this about AF Beer for a while now someone was on last week made the same mistake , these brewers are getting the two types so close now its hard to tell and AF beers wernt brewed for us Alkies they were for the new trend of social drinkers wanting to cut back ,We p-rob never came into the decision when they were looking for a new market , just be careful next time wish you well


I honestly never seen the point. I drank for one reason only, and NA beer was never gonna get me there. I wouldn’t smoke fake weed, or snort fake coke. So it just seems like an unnecessary thing to do


Good point

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Lol, that’s the same for me. Looking back, I remember saying all these nice things about how this or that beer tasted. I think the truth was I actually didn’t like any of them besides how drunk they got me. :sweat_smile:

I get some people genuinely like it, it just feels like such a slippery slope in my case. But then, I don’t mind (even prefer) flavored sparkling water now.

In any case, good on you, Karo. Lesson learned, no harm done!


I will give it definatelly a.second thought. I really enjoy the taste of beer, Always did and not feeling triggered or dissapointed, that it doesnt make me drunk. But perhaps you guys have a point there…


Keep the souvenir as a reminder that we’re just one drink away from the usual disaster, and move on. It’s just an accident. Stay strong and keep up the good work !


If it was an accident, I would definitely not think too much of it. But I do have to say GOOD on you for not feeding further into the addiction. That takes strength, and congrats on 54 days!