Accountability thread for exercise and weightleloss

I love this! For this week I’m just working on not drinking but I plan to start working out again next week and will definitely be partaking in this group!


Would be lovely to have you join us,but get that drinking part as your first and foremost right now after that I feel exercise is a great extra to help with recovery.:pray::two_hearts:

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Good mornin so day 4 so far so good,I’m aware I need to be gentle with myself today,BC I’m nearly 40 and I’m due on any moment and with that comes a host of thoughts feelings and behaviours,I personally blocked out my emotions and physical feeling BC I was using so dealing with monthly periods can be extremely tough and sometimes triggering,so I’m mindful of that today,But that doesn,t mean I’m going swerve exercise I will still do it but maybe just go alittle easier on myself so here goes!!!

Today I will be doing 25 minutes yoga then straight onto 10 full body workout for beginners,I also incorporate between 10,000/14,000 steps aday which works out around 4/5 miles Have a blessed day :pray::sun_with_face:

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Hopefully I can get some exercise today. I did some Monday. Good idea to have rest days, allow your body to recover. A runner in my group told me to run on your balls of feet to prevent knee injury, so I been practicing my form. He is running a marathon so a lot fitter than me. Then his friend says this could cause calf injury. Ha ha whichever ran behind me I changed my running form as I was self conscious I was doing it wrong, may just stay being flat footed. :rofl:

I’m definitely not a runner I don’t mind abit of intense cardio but running NO ,but good on you it’s what suits .I’m pushing myself daily to get that exercise it BC they day I don’t do it is a slippery slope Sunday is my day off .xx

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So here’s to day 5
Today I did 20 minutes of yoga for toneing stomach and and 14,000 steps which is 5.5 miles ontop I’m eating healthy aswell Sunday is fast approaching for my weigh in​:scream::scream::scream:night all.

If your having a rest day @Bluebell it should be every 3rd day of exercise but saying that I believe that’s when the exercise is full on muscle toning using Sunday as my rest day only otherwise il start making excuses for why I can’t do it…:sunrise_over_mountains::sunrise_over_mountains:

Date the 28th August and the 29th

Yesterday was busy and extremely stressful went out with kids but they fought the whole day which isn’t like them at all so exercise and food were lost on me this is where I need to work on as stress eating is something I do so only got 11,000 steps done yesterday but no cardio which I know I need.but today is a new day…DATE 29TH AUGUST,I will be doing 25 minutes yoga and 10 minutes full body workout.its Saturday so weigh in tomorrow so one last push before then I’ve only had one day off and that was Gona be Sunday but IL use my stressful day of eating and lack of exercise as my day off andake it work.HAVE A BLESSED DAY​:pray::blue_heart::sun_with_face:

Ok so it’s weigh in today , looking back on my week I did well but there’s certainly room for improvement,days 1:to 4 I did my daily exercises,days 5 to 7 I lossed motavation and tbh eaten became off key BC I lost motavation but I’m here on a journey and I know perfection isn’t what I’m trying to strive for.Everyday I did get 10,000 to 15,000 steps in so I’m ok with my first week so in a few hours IL go weigh at my mum’s as I don’t keep scales in my house and IL be sharing the outcome later ,have a blessed Sunday .:maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::pray::pray::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::pray::maple_leaf::maple_leaf::maple_leaf:

UPDATE just weighed at my mum’s and I’ve lost 1 and half pounds ,not overly loads but going in the right direction.i will beging my yoga and bodywork starting again from tomorrow and weigh in again next Sunday .I will remind myself this is a journey not a destination :pray::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::pray:


weight is tricky. you can fluctuate given time of day,hormone levels, water intake. that said im looking to get down at least a dress size. today I did one hour of hot yoga and I m about to do a 30 min cardio kickboxing class.

exercise is so important. i def feel better working out and now that I m not hungover my workouts are much better.


I’ve put on 2lbs but I had pizza last night which lays heavily in my stomach for hours, so my weight may go down tomorrow. Bread is the worse food for me. Haven’t exercise apart from walking, supporting a slight knee injury, but will be jogging tomorrow.

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I’m noway at that level tbh I’m taken it slow and steady and building it up ,I don’t personally want 2 hours taken outta my day for exercise tbh I haven’t got 2 hrs free either with 2 kids and work :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: but I will deffo fit half hour in but if I don’t then I’m not going to beat myself up over it either .good on you for your journey thou sounds dedicated.

@Bluebell whatever you can do is good enough,it’s what works for you sweet.aslong as your trying.

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oh sure. I thought I this thread was for everyone to post their fitness or goals or whatever. exercise is a hobby for me so Id do it even if I didnt want to lose weight. some people knit or paint lol. anyhoo.

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Anyone welcome it’s great to see other people getting involved and how they embrace or not in brace exercise whatever works for the individual,great to have you onboard :sun_with_face::pray::muscle:

Week 0 start weight 12s 12.2 llbs
Week 1 weight 12s 11llbs

The 2 lbs I gained yesterday have now gone

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Well done so you maintained that’s great I’m going to focus on eating well this week and cut out bodywork out but do more yoga as that tones but in a less aggressive way.xxgood on you @Bluebell

DATE 31ST OF August

My exercises today will be 10,000/15,000 steps and 45 minutes all over body yoga. Every 3rd day I’m going to incorporate bodywork out I can’t keep up with it daily as I’m extremely unfit so as the typical addict I am I want to be an athlete by day 2 :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:which I’m clearly NOT


Today’s exercises have been 2 hours cutting my hedge(no rude jokes please :rofl: 10,000/15,000 steps plus I’m now doing a 30 day yoga challenge and I’m on my second day.