Activities ... scared of society

I have been such a bedroom warrior for over 12 years now im not sure what iam going to do with muself like at all… im scared i will use and i dont want to. I need to be the best version of myself and stop blaming my mom for why my life is shit

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Perhaps you need to start out with sober activities. There is plenty of things to do socially that do not involve drugs or alcohol. Sports, museums, art classes, etc. And you may even be able to find sober groups to do these things with and be confident that no one will say “hey, let’s go grab beers after this”.


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This is an echo of what my life used to be like.

Some people say they were social with addiction, then find out they are actually quite quiet and reflective once they stop… My story is the opposite, I was confined to my bedroom with the curtains closed, not socialising. Since stopping I’ve had energy and time to seek out clubs and activities and meet people thru social and sober things, turns out I am quite social, plus life is great.

Have a brain storm about what you could possibly do with the money and time you’d have spent on addiction…

What about an art group? Social dancing, or a sport? Ask people you know for ideas and don’t be scared to go out of your comfort zone and try things that you don’t think you’ll enjoy! Cause you never know until you try!