ADD/ADHD later age or whenever

Is he scared of pills? I wonder if he practiced swallowing small amounts of water from glasses, then a pill was placed in one of the glasses with the water, if he’d have an easier time?

That’s just me thinking out loud though, I don’t know the bigger picture here :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m going to a therapist with my son (15) at 9 am Saterday morning. Really looking forward to that, hopefully it will help him. Of course he really liked the idea of 9 am :joy:


Things are on the road. I had a talk with my doctor about a referral for a psychiatrist for medication. He was quit timide and humble in some kind of way. I geus because I must have been a pain in the ass looking from his perspective. I often insisted looking into things that might explain what’s “wrong” with me. I often felt that way, and after a thyroid diagnoses (long ago already) and all the inpatient treatments for my addiction there still was the feeling there must be something else. But insisting triggered him to respond about a year ago, it is what it is Rob. But there I was sitting, with hey I need a referral since I almost for certain have AD(H)D. I don’t blame him by the way, it seems to be a hard diagnoses to make at an older age, it does feel sad and frustrated though. He was talking about waiting lists, but I said, well you are gonna call a psychiatrist you know pretty well and are gonna take care that I have an appointment very soon. Normally I would have corrected my self by saying that’s a joke, but I didn’t. It was meant like that. And geuss what, my appointment is already next week :joy:

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I’m not hyperactive, I’m rather slow, for me it feels like having a race-car mind on a normal-road brain full of potholes. it’s less a conflict between me and the world, it’s more of a conflict between me and my brain. If I’m not interested, I just can’t remember things - something can be explained to me a hundred times and I still won’t know it. I can live in a room for weeks without knowing how it looks like, what furnitures does it have except the few ones I use. If i got already overwhelmed by impulses I cannot focus to a degree that I cannot listen to someone while stirring the food on the stove, because I either stir, either listen. I zone out a thousand times a day. I tend to stop speaking at the middle of the sentence, because my mind gets to the end of the thought earlier than my speech and I’m not interested to finish. And I procrastinate big time. I feel like I spend half of my time hiding my inadequacies from others, trying to patch up the holes on my mental abilities.


All of that - I get all of that. In my own case it’s also not the hyperactive type; I’m primarily “inattentive” (though I don’t really like that word, because it’s got an implication that I’m broken in some way; personally I think my attention is more fluid than a typical person’s, which makes me able to notice and connect things other people might not).

How are you feeling about this diagnosis? Relieved? Curious? Worried?


Awesome rob!

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Me tooo!!! I cannot multitask effectively

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Well, I’m glad to have an explanation for my issues. I always thought that I’m lazy, dumb and slow. On the other hand I know I can also be hard-working, bright and fast. I never understood this contradiction. So it helps me to have a better understanding of myself. But I’m also a little bit fed up with all of these stuff. Mainly with addiction. I’m tired of fighting, tired of juggling. As soon as I fix one thing, three other strengthens. And with ADD… I never saw these issues all together. Until now I just saw the individual cases. Now seeing it as a whole is pretty disappointing.


I relate to that. It’s really overwhelming at the moment. It links everything together. I sleep a lot currently. It will be a challenge to turn it around.

Next to this is the realization that I mentioned the dynamics in all my treatments I had. Especially of performing well, but also performing not at all. Which made my school results quit volatile. And never popped it up in those teachers and therapists mind I could have AD(H)D??? Makes my race mind go crazy.

A lot of treatments (all) went into my past and upbringing. There were things that were traumatic, but don’t we have that all (also non-addicts). In my case I felt this couldn’t be the only thing but the focus kept on those things while some even might have put words in my mouth. So I did put my parents and brother on the spot of being in some way the reason for it all (and everybody else close by :cry:). Get tears in my eyes writing this down. Deep inside I knew they love me dearly, all this must have hurt them big time. Now I can already feel the gratitude they never dropped me. This diagnoses really puts things in another perspective and feels like an emotional earthquake.

Recovering from this will take time. I knew that getting sober was just the beginning of a journey. But this…pieeuw. Need to make it small (ODAAT) really fast.


No she doesn’t say that. She thought that some things she noticed during therapy session could be related to alcohol abuse. When she heard my son was diagnosed she immediately dropped that assumption.

Yeah got diagnosed today (no suprise there) I always kind of knew. It does make so many things make sense to me now, like why that first beer made me feel the way it did… I never stood a chance with alcohol. I got prescribed Strattera (I told them i didn’t want stimulants and i guess i could have only had them until i hit 50 anyway) so we’ll see how this works for me… i just want to be able to focus and not have my thoughts bouncing all over the place, maybe have a decent conversation that i remember with people, not constantly lose things, not feel rushed all the time, not feel so on edge, maybe finish my shower tile job i started 5 years ago (1 row left only, and it sits there) and the rest of my house which is all under construction. Anyway thats all i want


I’m not diagnosed but I KNOW I have it. :crazy_face:

But since ADHD diagnoses just didn’t really exist when I was a kid I had many adults in my life just view me “not worthy” or “too difficult”. Feeling so unwanted and unworthy is likely a big reason why I started drinking….I just wanted to feel liked.


The symptoms present different for young girls making it harder to diagnose, it’s a shame that it gets missed. It’s hard being different and not knowing exactly why when you’re younger.

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Hi @Tomek, sorry, I missed this.

It’s tough to feel like you’ve been climbing mountains your whole life then you get something that’s an explanation - which is nice - but it’s also another mountain to climb. You’re just tired :tired_face:

I’m glad you got the diagnosis. It’s a journey. At least now you know.

If there’s anything I can do don’t hesitate to reach out. And it looks like there’s lots of supportive folks here on this thread too :innocent:


I agree, but I also think it was era too. Teachers of the 80s just didn’t know what it was, teachers of the 90s just wanted everyone drugged, but NOW teachers have learned techniques to help these kids.


The same for me, from the first onwards I drank with the wrong intention. I even started late, in first I was looking at my friends in high school drinking with the thought what the heck are they doing. But after my first there was no holding back……

Exactly that :pensive:


ADHD + diabetes = throwing your needles in the kitchen compost instead of the sharps container


I did get them all out of there, so we’re good. :+1:

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:joy: had some situations too, but they slipped my mind :see_no_evil:. Another thing is that my ex de-blocked me on Facebook. Noticed while I tried to look her up……I know I know let it go….or….:exploding_head:

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Hmmmm that’s a situation where you want to be vigilant. That dwelling, that fixation, is not helpful.

Worth sharing in a sobriety group; get it off your chest and try to dig deeper and find out why this fixation recurs for you. Hint: it has nothing to do with her or with your relationship. It has to do with some unmet internal need you have.

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