I got diagnosed in my early 30s but had it my whole life. My parents refused to get me any kind of diagnosis as they considered it a made up excuse for kids who just didn’t listen
Adderall like others was my first prescription, and well I loved it helped me focus, and in higher doses I had energy that I loved mind you before this I would abuse all kinds of uppers, cocaine, Ritalin, where my favs but I also dipped into other avenues to get that energy
Adderall became a legal high for me, I could abuse it and test hot for amphetamines and well I had a free pass, I started abusing it, heavier and then mixed it with drinking So I could hang longer,
Since I got sober, I did some other things to help with my ADD to compensate more naturalistic approaches Lower intakes of processed junk, which I been real bad about lately, but my diet being more wholesome and less junk heavy has been helpful. My dr refuses to prescribe me any stimulant due to my history of abuse I was honest about it, and prescribed me stratera which has been helpful yet has some mild side effects, I got headaches the first week or two. But they subsided. TMI sexual side affects where beneficial.
Also like Matt said I’m your run of the mill ADHD dude, with entrepreneurial twists kinfa what attracted me to music so much as well as Public safety cause the short bursts helped with my ADD.
What helps me is I have to have a schedule I never knew it, my ex girlfriend had a white board, where she would write the daily tasks on it, and it was helpful, of course we ended on very bad terms that led me to rehab, so I wanted to deny that fact, but I succumbed after hearing others advice that I should do it
I keep a daily planner, and I write it all out, and try to keep time frames so I don’t overindulge on one activity and forget another, and it’s been helpful, I mean I would get that bad I would forget to eat and most ADD meds curb your appetite, so every activity is written out, so far so good
I tend to procrastinate too, which is something I need to work on, cause like tomorrow, I have to get caught up on a weeks work of planning cause I thought I had more time