Addicted to weed

Hi my name is Tama an I am a recovering addict I have been smoking weed since I was 11 years old an cause I’m a parent an I wanna be a good parent an partner to my family I have let the weed get the better of me I have stolen money I have broken the law an I also have done.some.stupid things that I’m not proud of so I have been clean for 2 days now an I wanna stay clean for my family an for my health to I really want to give up the weed an focus on my health an have the motivation to do something better with my life instead of weed


Welcome Tama! You are in a good place for recovery. Congratulations on your 2 days :partying_face:

Welcome! Be active here, it will help

Welcome! You dont have to quit alone. There are many of us here who have struggled with weed.

Proud of you for taking the first step

You have made a great decision. Social attitudes towards marijuana have certainty changed over the years towards its acceptable and legalization. The part that never changed is what science has always told us about its characteristics as an addictive drug with both short term and long term consequences.

Don’t listen to people who tell you it’s anything other than what it always was or will be…

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