Addicting science!

I forget what it’s called but in Japan I believe they have some sort of tree therapy called forest bathing where people literally go hug trees. Also I think I’m Colorado your doctor can write you a prescription to visit state parks for free.


Interesting and kind of unnerving approach to brain research.


It’s the rise of the for real though

For God’s sake, where is Sara Connor!?!?!

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That’s it. It’s starts with “look at all the good we can do with this”
It’s a slippery slope I tell ee, a slippery slope!

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I think it’s important to remember that technology isn’t inherently good or evil, it’s how we use it that make it that way. A good example is addicts using this app, that’s a “good” use of a smart phone and the internet. Or on the flip side, using a smart phone to watch illegal videos, that would be the evil side. The smart phone and the internet in this case aren’t responsible for either of those outcomes.

Another good example is gene alteration, you can now get your entire genome mapped out in 3 days or so to find out about any genetic diseases you have. Many people are worried about this and think this act of altering genes is “evil”. There are many couples who have used this technology to find out they were both carriers of a certain gene. If two parents have the same gene, the child will get that gene, if the gene happens to be a hereditary disease with no known cure then you’ve just given your child that disease. So there may come a day when knowing about your genes will actually be a responsibility and not just a luxury.

Technology is going to move forward whether people like it or not though and it advances so quick that our social customs and modes of thought can’t catch up.

I like to be ahead of the curve and see the potential good in all of the new technology.


We have to have a higher level of responsibility with technology. Since the invention of the smartphone, the prevalence of Cervical curve reduction in adolescents has been significant. Enough that there are now diagnoses like Text Neck, and Gamer’s Thumb. Abuse of technology is damaging this generation in a tangible, physical way.

Pft. The robots are coming lol

@Englishd The robots are already here bruh… Lol


Every discovery I can think of has two sides to it. Do we forgo the good because of the bad?

I, for one, do not have the answer.


These are all rather 1st world problems, don’t you think?
It’s lovely that we can do all these great things with technology. Designer babies, etc. But… Do families living in poor areas of the world get this option?
Before we go plowing millions of pounds, dollars, yen etc into helping increase the population, would it not be better spent bringing the whole world up to the same standard, all equal in living standards. No poverty, starvation war!
Increased population means increased consumption of dwindling reasources. Would the money not be better spent in sorting this out first.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for advancement. It human nature , it’s how we got here. If that first monkey hasn’t picked up the stone we still be in the trees, after all.
All I can see it doing at the moment is increasing the gap between the haves and have-nots.
I don’t consider myself an educated man, though I studied history at degree level. So I may be missing something in my reasoning.


I could watch that all day! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I have so much to say on this point but, all I have to say is summed up well by the third movie in the zeitgeist trilogy “moving forward”

I really don’t think our current system will be enough to affect major change in the third world countries, if you apply science to create a resource based economy everyone would be taken care of no price tag. People love to call me crazy when I talk about this but the bottom line is it’s just realizing we’re all one race, and we all deserve a good life, and the scientific method can provide that easily. I totally see where you’re coming from though and I agree that we need to take care of everyone!


I’ve always been a proponent for leading a balanced life. This study demonstrates the possible negative effects of excessive smartphone usage, or in my eyes an imbalance between real social interaction and simulated social interaction.

Huh. I’m surprised only 1 in 5 indicated unhealthy smartphone use.


I agree, that seems rather low.

I just wanted to take a moment to share some info on what’s been called “the reward circuit” of our brains. It’s helped for me to understand this function and to realize how media corporations exploit this little circuit to keep us “hooked” on things. It’s also worthy to note this website, if you want to learn just about anything about any subject, it’s laid out here for you. I myself am planning on going through the algebra lessons soon, hopefully.


Bah, I changed the link, you just have to go down to the reward circuit part and click on it.

@anon67035918 Yes! I totally agree, just the simple awareness of this fact helps me in controlling urges and impulses.

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Hello again, I just want to share something that really resonates with me and that is just beautifully reasonable. =)