Addiction and getting by

Hi everyone I’m new here just trying to find a place where I can belong and find people who are on the same journey so not having to do it alone but also someone who understands what it’s like if anyone wants a chat please fell free to


Welcome Dan :slightly_smiling_face:. I think you’ll find a lot of people here that you relate to. We’re all here for the same general reasons. Having this community has saved my life, I hope it’ll be beneficial to you as well on your journey. Best wishes my new friend.


Thanks how are you

Talk to me anytime, its good to connect with people as you feel like your going through it all alone ,but on here you will find alot of support

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Hey Dan, I’m a Dan too; I am also a recovering alcoholic. I’ve been on this journey for a while now and happy to share what’s worked for me and privide support in any way I can! Glad you’re here!


Hi, welcome! This place is amazing, you will definitely find support and other people that are on the same path. I come here everyday and I couldn’t of stayed sober with out the support offered here :pray:t2:

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Not going to bad struggle at times hardest thing is not having people to speak to got family and friends around me but they don’t understand what it’s like so make it fell lonely

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Hey thanks for the warm welcome just nice to know there’s somewhere I can talk to people who understand


Can I just ask everyone 1 question that some might find a bit inappropriate but is everyone suffering from drinking addictions or is anyone here to do with drugs aswell or just by it’s self ??

Hi Dan! Welcome to TS!! :heart: This is a great community with tons of support. There are people all over the world, so it’s always active. I don’t think your question was inappropriate. You will find people here with all sorts of addictions… alcohol, drugs, porn, self harm, etc. You name it, you’ll find someone here recovering from it. If there’s something specific you’re looking for, you can use the search bar at the top to look for it. If you don’t find it, feel free to create the topic. :slightly_smiling_face:
Keep up the hard work!!! We are here!

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Okay thanks everyone dosen’t mean I won’t keep talking to you lot as could probably learn things from different people and get to know others aswell ??

My addiction is speed and weed. I never had problems with alcohol but decided to stop drinking at the same time I stopped speed.
Nice to read you and welcome to our beautiful community :hugs:

Here it’s all of the above and then some…

Welcome Deezy! It’s hard in the beginning but it gets easier with each day. Just focus on a day at a time!

Thanks everyone your all such nice people I was feeling really alone and had no one to talk to I’m just about to hit a month being clear of cocaine I used to drink quite a bit but stopped that but still smoke weed as can’t give everything up gotta have something to keep myself sain lol know everyone addictions are different but I’m here for who ever needs it even tho I’m dealing with my own I would love to be a ear for someone to have or a voice that hasn’t been Hurd before :+1:


How is everyone doing today been a strange one for me hard to explain but if anyone has an ear they can lend to hear about it and give advice I would happily accept the help or advice ??

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I would be happy to read you
You can always texte me
Have a great day :blush:

Welcome. This community has saved me I reckon. It’s an amazing group of people who know and understand us.

Hi there just seen your messege thanks means a lot

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Hi everyone just an update to let people know still sticking strong even though been offered multiple times by people if I want a line but staying strong hope everyone else is coping well during theses hard times :+1::+1::+1: