Addiction brain

I’ve absolutely given up on myself.

I’ve tried everything at this point and nothing is working. The shitty part of this whole thing is I can’t even reach out to anyone about my relapse if I do I’ll lose EVERYTHING including my child.

I don’t think I can do this alone. I just want to stop I want to be sober I want to have a clear head and be happy and the best version of me I can be for myself and my child. I’ve tried blocking the numbers I’ve tried telling them to not answer my calls I’ve tried to even make it so that my phone doesn’t call their number

Nothing is working

I’m in a very toxic environment and I’m not doing great every day I wake up angry I go to bed feeling useless and defeated I’m at the point where I just don’t give a fuck anymore and this is the time I HAVE to be the strongest and the one that is always there for everyone else.

But at the end of the day who’s there for me…?

Who’s going to listen to me and help me through my problems my pain my difficulties.


All of us here Krystal thats who…we are all here for you!!!xxxxx :people_hugging: :heart:


Kelly is right, we are here for you. You are battling a strong addiction. Don’t let it win.


@Fireworks , you posted this once. …

“I once used for 12 years hard anything and everything I could get my hands on I quit for almost 7 years what helped me in those 7 years is I found a purpose. I held myself accountable every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

It’s also the choices we make that lead us to relapse and think that it’s the only thing that helps us or will help us.

Now almost 5 years later and 3/4 relapses I’ve learned that I am powerless over my addiction and yes I do need help every single day.

And hey that’s not bad considering I could be still using or worse not here anymore

So even though today really sucked and you had a weak moment (something we all have done) doesn’t mean you can’t wake up in the morning and try again learn from this mishap and grow stronger because of it”


Maybe try a meeting they will help ,they helped me stay sober , and meet new like minded people and then you will no longer be alone , keep on posting here as well wish you well

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