Advice for a weekend away

So I am on day 11 today. This weekend I have a 4 day trip planned with friends to a town which is nothing short of amazing! Beautiful secenery, boating etc. The trip was planned long before I decided to quit. Im feeling nervous now as I feel like im going to give in and drink as the people who are going are drinkers and there will be alot of suppers, gatherings and drinking etc. Im trying to focus my mind on the fact that I’ll be waking up fresh and going for walks, taking in the scenery etc but my nerves are getting the better of me and it’s too late to pull out of going along. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated


Do your friends know you are not drinking?

I went to my first boozy party after a month or two of sobriety and one of my friends who barely drinks was my buddy for the evening. We planned some nice mocktails to have together and left early together.

I would share your concerns with your friends before you go, see if anyone might be up for booking in some sober time with you. And maybe you just have to be prepared to do some stuff solo, skip some of the gatherings. Having early morning plans makes it easier!

That said, as has already been mentioned, if you’re really worried then you don’t have to go. There will be more trips!

Lots of good tips for surviving social situations sober here >>


You did well. I will do exactly the same as you did

If you go be prepared. Bring some ginger ale or flavored waters and snacks… and I would out right let your friends know you are not drinking. Most important thing is your sobriety so if you don’t feel you are capable of going it’s ok not to.

@Foreverfree36 I really look forward to you posting that you are still sober after this trip.

You are going to feel amazing once you’ve made it through and, better still, you will see you can do it. You can socialize and be sober.

This is a chance to show your strength.

Just sending some positive vibes your way!!

Good luck if you go. I hope you do and I hope you stay sober. I think you will inspire yourself by ticking both those boxes.

You got this :muscle:

@geo @TristanLudlow @Dragonflygirl82 @siand @Fargesia_murielae

I whole-heartedly considered not going on this trip. However as I sit here, on the final day, I am proud to say that I have reached my 14 day milestone! There has been a continuous flow of alcohol all weekend and I have not touched one bottle of it. Ok the method how I achieve this is not preferred, as I took an antabuse before the trip, rendering me unable to drink anyway. I am working to a point where I am able to not drink by sheer will of mind, but for now this was a solution, as I really had been looking forward to this for so long. And man, was it worth it. No headaches, slept like a dream,early mornings with coffee watching the sun rise, and views like this. Feeling pretty damn proud of myself. And I owe it all to this group :heart: ps. Everybody now thinks im pregnant due to my lack of drinking lol. But I couldn’t give a shit what they think, as Im Sober, and thats all that matters xx


Wow it looks beautiful, and SO pleased to hear you had an awesome time. And there is nothing wrong with using Antabuse… In fact what an excellent idea!

For me feeling comfortable in sobriety isn’t about willpower, it’s about a different mindset. Being in a place where I truly believe that I have nothing to gain by drinking. It sounds like this trip has been a brilliant way of proving this to yourself. There is another way, and it’s better!

Amazing, you should be proud :sparkling_heart::sparkles:


I agree with what @siand said in that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with taking the antabuse. Congratulations!

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Freaking :blue_heart: this. Been looking forward to hearing that you’d made it through the weekend.

Well done.

Looks like a stunning setting too. You must be super happy with yourself. You should be. Now you know you can do it. No stopping you now! :wink:

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