Advice help me

I don’t know what to do ? Alcohol ruins me :disappointed:

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Have you ever tried not drinking, I’m not taking the Micky I’m being serious, what have you tried to help you to stop? :slightly_smiling_face:


Don’t drink until you go to bed tonight. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

Meantime, check out this topic: Resources for our recovery


dont drink

your sobbriety will grow and you will feel so proud of yourself

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I’ve tried but I guess not hard enough . I just get tempted so easy and no one to talk to


I found that I couldn’t do it alone. As much as I hated socializing, or being seen because I felt so low and demoralized that I needed to reach out to others who had been successful with sobriety before me. Make yourself teachable. Be willing to take suggestion from those with experienced success, and keep an open mind to what is suggested, even if it doesn’t necessarily coincide with your current belief system. Good luck to you friend. It’s a difficult journey for sure, but there IS light at the end of the tunnel. :blue_heart:


Well you have is for support now, have a good read around the forum, check in daily and most importantly reach out with you need help. Have you considered going to AA, it has helped millions of people stay sober. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Try some sobriety podcasts, Allen Carrs “easy easy to control alcohol” helped me shift my perception of alcohol. Talk to other drunks like us. Don’t drink, one day at a time!

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