Advice I keep slipping once a month

Please any advice would be great. I was clean fir a year and a half and genuinely was really happy and my wife very much so too. Now again this year I’ve been back on it monthly pretty much from March. Alcohol is my trigger to cocaine. I feel deep down I don’t understand its that bad but consciously I know its awful. My dad and his were drunks days on end but I’m a monthly binged plus the cocaine which makes me emotionally depressed the following days, I try remember this every time but when in the moment I get carried away, deleted all numbers changed numbers and still manage to get the numbers back for dealers. Please help, I’m so grateful for all of you in advance. Thanks!


Hi try and write down everything around you that is happening when you relapse so you know what is triggering you, try and add other things to your recovery that will help ie exercise hobbies etc i went through a stage that 8 days i relapsed it was all in my mind because of how powerful the mind is, you can do this DON’T beat yourself up get back on the horse as they say, rooting for you good luck


Thank you Meg will do that!

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I think Meg is giving you excellent advice. I am pretty deficient in advice giving feel I only know what is working for me. I do have a few questions @Wan2quit . Do you have a support system like AA? Do you have a sponsor? Are you writing down an inventory? Do have a therapist? Are you consistent in your daily practice? For me,and I am not in a 12-step program,my consistency has been crucial. I am boring. Same thing every day. The details are unimportant unless you want me to share them. Basically I follow the same practice at the same time daily. I do agree with @meg2. Your mind is your most powerful tool and don’t beat yourself up or look at relapse as failure. This is a non linear journey not a destination. You can do this ODAAT. Wish you all the best

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Thank you so much for this @Soberbilly to answer your question.
you have a support system like AA?nope
Do you have a sponsor? Nope
Are you writing down an inventory? I have done but not consistent
Do have a therapist? I did a couple of years ago, wdp, a free service in London, it was helpful at the beginning too
Are you consistent in your daily practice? For the 1 year and a half I was sober I was exercising a lot, thinking the worst of alcohol, my mind was so good and saw everything clear on alcohol was the worst, plus the added complication on cocaine.

It’s so true that the mind is super powerful but the journey is long and it is so irritating I’ve come back here and starting all over again. I feel so down right now which I want to feel because I want to feel guilty and realise how awful this for me and my surroundings then move past this. I wish you all the best with your program and thanks for advice. I feel since its in my genes it will always catch up…
Let’s go!

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