Afraid of myself

I’m on day 29, I haven’t been this sober in years. I feel so good about where I am, and even physically starting to feel much better. Yet in the back of my mind is that horrible little version of me that is saying “this won’t last. You can’t do this. You will fail.” Today it’s hit pretty good. I have no desire to drink today, I just wanna shut “her” up. Any suggestions?


Are you working a program or just winging it?


I call that addiction voice the winewitch.
In the beginning of my recovery she talked a lot 😵‍💫 It helped me to give that negative voice a name and see it as the voice of my addiction, because in my opinion it is.
It wants me to drink again, but I won’t.
What has helped me is to find distration from it. I walked a lot in nature and bingewatched Netflix :see_no_evil:
Now I have more sober days I hear my winewitch far less and it’s more easy to shut her up.


Yes that’s a case for ODAAT. One day at a time.
Don’t listen to no voice in your head. Just do what is right this minute, this hour, this morning, this day.
Congrats on your sober time.


Remember that thoughts can be involuntary and are often fleeting. Your thoughts are clouds, your ‘self’ is the sky. Even if u think about drinking it doesn’t mean u want to drink really. And it certainly doesn’t mean u will drink because ur behaviour is totally under ur control.
Another way to think of it is the thoughts are complaining kids in the back of the car. If u argue back it snowballs. Just recognize the thought and let it go.


I had those thoughts too. Today Mark’s 4 years sober. Those little thoughts are just our addictive mind trying to fool us. Just say no to the cravings and the urges…and those thoughts go away.


I call that voice the bratty little child in me. I can picture her like a nasty little middle schooler poking at me to try to make me do something. Imagining her as the voice that tells me that I’m going to fail at whatever I am trying helps me persevere. Focus on how far you’ve come. Onward! :muscle:t3:


Have to change your thinking a good network and program would help with that your mind still craving drink have to change your thought pattern when they arises so you have a defence wish you well


Hi Holly, good for you taking it one day at a time so far :innocent:

You mentioned in your first post that you felt anxious about starting meetings, and that you don’t have a drivers license (Meetings? Sponsors?). How about you try an online meeting? You don’t have to turn your screen on if you don’t want to:

Online meeting resources

Take care Holly and keep sharing, keep connecting, keep learning. It will keep you safe :innocent:


@Hollywood82 Good Morning ! Yes. I can relate to that. I’m on Day 29 today. A friend in my AA group said something that helped yesterday. He said “I have a healthy respect for my addiction but refuse to fear it” My saving grace has been AA. Things make so much more sense now. Sending Hope your way !


Do the next right thing. Could be as simple as taking out the trash, or putting a new roll of toilet paper in. When you don’t know what to do, just do the next right thing. I apply this to thinking as well. When I don’t know what to think, think about the next great thing.


I’m doing this by myself. I have social anxiety, the idea of meetings….oy

Thank you!

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That’s a great way to look at things and one I haven’t thought of. Thank you. I think that is really going to help when I’m frazzled.