After a month, i fail

Sorry for my english. After 1 sobrier month i failed. I feel so sick and wrong. I want only wholesome tips :heart:


I made 3 months soberity . don’t give up keep on trucking


What are you doing to maintain sobriety? White knuckling rarely works. I suggest making yourself a sober toolbox which has worked for me and many others on this forum. Mine consists of AA meetings, sober network and checking in here daily. Sobriety is one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life but it’s totally worth it.


Yes soberity is hard to do

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Thank you.

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We all fail from time to time, it’s OK. If you’re failing, you’re trying, that is PROGRESS! Start with a plan, anything for your personal progress but only focus on sobriety for now.
Tips that worked for me.
I had to admit to myself, I’m an alcoholic. Said it out loud to myself. My best friend helped me with that.
Told EVERYBODY I am an alcoholic, family, friends, neighbors and…
My store I bought alcohol from. They all have permission to beat me with the stick behind the counter if I try to buy. Owner and manager both have my moms home and cell numbers. Pretty much all beer was purchased there.
My definition of being well is not be dependent on any tool in my toolbox in 12-18 months. Everybody is completely different in the definition of what well means to them. My family has ones that just stopped, never touched it till death, some went to AA and were there until they died. One currently has seven years in AA, it works for them.
Just remember, you are not alone. Somebody’s been in your shoes, and made it!

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Also. Some police put out lists for people banned from buying alcohol. It’s given to all liquor license holders in their jurisdiction. It has name and photo, try to get on one. Jack from Robins liquor hand drawed a picture of me on theirs, funny as shit. That’s how I know.

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You are doing great with your English :slight_smile:
This place is a great resource and there are a few threads on here that list them out. I can’t seem to find them, but I think @Lisa07 or @SassyRocks might have them bookmarked.

It’s certainly not easy, and takes a village. But it’s absolutely obtainable. Definitely keep coming back here. Lots of great support. Welcome.


Here’s a link with some great information to get you started.

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What is your first language? We have many people from around the world on Talking Sober.


Italiano! C’è qualcuno Italiano? Ahah

Io parlo l’Italiano abbastanza bene. Abitavo a Roma (Casal Palloco) per quatro anni quando ero giovanotto.

Non so se ci sono altri Italiani per Talking Sober. Se tu fai un nuovo “post” al Italiano, forse qualcuno risponde?