After falling off the wagon the last few years its time to start my sober journey again, any starting tips for me? Thanks

Day 1, my 10th day 1… I. Struggling to keep it up this time, anybody got any tips for breaking through this first barrier? Thanks


Welcome back! This could be your last day 1. Think about what worked to keep you sober last time and do that. Remember your triggers and avoid them. Most importantly make it your goal to lay your head down sober at the end of each night.
I read the greatest quote today which I’ve been thinking on “we have to get out of our way”. How are you getting in the way of your sober life?
For me, reading around on here and interacting with other addicts keeps me sober. We are all in this together. :heart:


This thread has a lot of helpful suggestions for early days…it is older and has a few broken links, but still plenty of gems for you…


Welcome back. For me, the first step was being active here. Building relationships, reading, listening to advice.



I’ve had many first days myself, I think we all have. I keep myself busy doing things I enjoy. I’m much more interested in life when I’m not feeling guilty, not constantly plotting to hide things. The fog and depression lift and the feeling is incredible.

This time I’m fully acknowledging my triggers, confronting them and reminding myself that to me it isn’t worth it.

I plan things, set goals for myself that aren’t just hyper focused on maintaining sobriety, I do that hour by hour each day as it comes. I found setting milestones for myself did not work for me as well as others. So I celebrate more when I’m not constantly focusing on what day it is.

I hope you have wonderful day and get active here! Find a chat buddy. It makes a difference! :heart:


Hey welcome back. Do all of what was said above. Also keep yourself out of triggering situations for a good while. Even if it’s family functions or what not where you know there will be alcohol. It’s not worth it right now.

Same here! Day one again after falling off for a year. At least we keep trying and many day 1s are better than none at all

Only 10… keep trying. What haven’t you tried yet??

Easy try a meeting wish you well