Well here we are again. I feel defeated
Welcome to the community the people here are very friendly and supportive congratulations if this is days of your sobriety take it one day at a time
Welcome Renae
Make that a good feeling by turning it into a step 1 of a program
One day at a time buddy, we’ve got this!
Defeat is the first step to picking yourself up and finding victory.
Defeated: by what?
You were defeated by a set of habits you have for escaping the world. You have taught yourself over the last 5-10 years that you can run and escape to booze / drugs, instead of walking the path, with awareness, through your life.
You were defeated because you chose to try to escape, to avoid, to be unconscious.
Win: how?
You win by learning new habits. It’s that simple. You start by hitting up a meeting and/or a rehab.
Check out the women’s international 24-hour “marathon” meeting:
Get rehab: www.FindTreatment.gov
Don’t give up, don’t stop trying.