Ahhhh the weekend

Weekend scares me it’s when I mess up


Going to aa meetings really give me strength to stay sober but where I live they only have them in the mornings on Sat so it gets hard

You got this!! Try to keep yourself busy and do things that are active so you’re releasing those happy endorphins where you don’t need the drug. I plan on making a morning hike part of my routine on the weekends. I have a bar right in the club house where I live. If I can make it through so can you!! :heart:


A bar?..wow if I wasn’t serious about my sobriety I’d say that’s awesome. But damn that sucks for trying to steer temptation. Hiking is awesome. Enjoy.

Yeah it used to be the thing I loved to tell people about who were coming to visit. It’s hard to avoid also because you have to walk through it to get to the pool. :unamused: It’s like a trap in more ways than one. I have too much at stake though to not succeed at sobriety so I’ll just run straight through the bar to the pool if I have to. Lol. I’d rather be seen as the crazy running girl than the blackout drunk girl!


That’s what’s wrong with the normalization of alcohol. It’s everywhere. I went to a pizza restaurant with my son, and the napkin holder had the booze menu on it. It was bugging me so much so I turned it around. Now movie theatres serve alcohol. It’s like we are conforming to become this sedentary society, because it’s not like you can run while chugging a beer. Keep running girl. Enjoy that pool sober. It’s safer that way!

Well apparently you can do yoga. I saw a Facebook post about Beer Yoga. They were doing balance poses that allowed them to drink beer in one hand. I try not to judge but I thought that was kind of disgusting.

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Thank you!!! Yes you are so right! I honestly believe there are a lot of conspiracies going on that are destroying our planet and alcohol is definitely a big one. I’m just so glad I’m finally at the point where I can realize it’s damage and do something about it. I’m gonna keep running and never stop! :muscle:t4:


Lol that defeats the purpose of yoga. I’m sure people do run while chugging beer. But it’s not like they’ll be able to go a long distance. I know for me, when I drink I don’t want to work out the next day or after I had a drink.

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