Alcohol in cough medicine?

I have flu. Got some cough medicine over the counter abd it contains alcohol. Almost one year sober is this safe to have or no?


Great question; I would like to know as well.

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Yes. Waiting before i take some just incase. X

There are lots of cough and flu medicines that don’t contain alcohol. Personally I won’t use NyQuil because I use to abuse it for the small alcohol it contains. But that’s just me.


I’m a Pharmacist, Cough medicines don’t work. All they do is suppress you natural reaction to cough by using opioids, alcohol or benzine derivatives amongst others.
Even the ‘expectorants’ are only using chemicals to emphasis your natural reaction.
Your body knows best if it wants to cough up crap let it.
But if it’s a dry tickley cough, use honey and lemon sipped slowly and the usual ‘over the counter’
pain/fever medication.
Hope this helps, but if any doubt seek professional 1-2-1 advice.


Thank you for the advice. Honey it is x

Thanks running free. Yes i didnt read it till i got home and now everything is shut ill just leave it x

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Not safe i was told and also mouth wash, i had no idea back then, hope you feel better soon

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I endorse this treatment. It’s how I treat coughs. I will also use vicks vaporub on my chest, and if its a racking cough that comes in fits, I’ll sit in the bathroom and read a book with the shower running, cutting it off when there’s a ton of steam. Helps a bunch.


I’m going to have to give the bathroom steam idea a go although my better half won’t be impressed :joy:


This can be done in a smaller scale too. Bring a small pot of water to a slow simmer. Place your face over the pot and lay a towel over your head so that it’s like a tent trapping the steam. Breathe in the steam. Be careful not to burn yourself. I might have a podcast playing in the background to keep me preoccupied.


If I tried that I’d end up with a well cooked head, it’s a great method though my mum used to do it, but, I think I’ll stick to trying the bathroom gig next time I’m blocked up.