Alcohol is ruining my life

Really just want to quit alcohol,seems like a merry go round that I can’t get off


It did indeed ruin my life. Slowly but surely… You can stop this vicious cycle. You can. Don’t pick up the first drink. Come on here if you feel the urge to drink. Go out for a walk. Talk to like minded people. Do some sports. Or go to an AA meeting. Just take it minute by minute. Hour by hour. Just don’t pick up this one drink.


Thanks sunshine,I’m going to come on here as much as possible to get me out of the cycle it has to stop now


Good call. And it can be any time of day.
The afternoons and evenings are easier if you make an affirmative promise to yourself early in the day. Make a promise to yourself out loud and keep it for the day.


Thanks for the positive thoughts we can hopefully all help each other


Hi Lance, I feel you. Fellows from this community helped me a lot, check replies to this post if you want to. Take care


It was ruining my life, my health, my self respect, my mind, my memories, my interactions with my kids, my family, etc.
Looking back, nothing good came from alcohol. Even those “fun times,” well I don’t remember them anyway because I blacked out.
Dont drink today. You can do it.


Thank you to ye both and all that are helping me today


Hello, how are you doing?

Hey not to bad not sleeping great,starting day 3 today so positive taughts,how bout you ?


That’s great! Sleep will get better the longer you stay sober. Day 35 here and I haven’t felt that great in a long time. Stay focused and fight for your sobriety. You can do it!


It was slowly but surely doing damage to my health, physical and mental. Stuck on that cycle. Make this the last time you quit, many people relapse and thats the last chance they had. They never make it back.
You’ve got this bro


Stay strong man, as many have said NOTHING GOOD comes from this. It takes everything from you. I’m currently 25 days sober, but my last binge pretty much cost me my marriage. My wife and i are unofficially separated. I was out of the house for 2 days drinking and drugging. I have an 8 month old and another on the way. Going through my steps, i get where she’s coming from. 4 yrs of worry and thinking the worst from maybe i got hurt to cheating because I’d be out all night. I can’t blame her, i did this to myself and my family. So as someone who very recently derailed their life…take it a day at a time, and avoid that first drink at all costs! You got this!

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Thanks very much for sharing that and I can relate to so much in that paragraph… I hope you find happiness and joy and get Ur family back soon because the pain of that along must hurt,best of luck thanks for sharing


That’s mr fantastic strong words that have hit home and I’m very grateful