Alcoholic drinking non-alcoholic beer?

It’s my first time attempting to be free of alcohol, and I’m currently at 3 months. I’m feeling pretty secure with my sobriety thus far :slightly_smiling_face: I wanted to ask the community about their experience drinking beer that does not contain alcohol. I tried it the other day, and I didn’t feel triggered to drink, rather I simply enjoyed the taste. Is it common for sober people get triggered drinking this? Does it build over time?

I’m aware everyone handles all this differently, I simply just want to hear people’s experience :+1:


There’s lots of threads on here if you go up and search :mag:.
Here’s one suggested by one of our dandy moderators.

Me personally I thought it would make me crave the real thing. My son likes them and it does not affect his sobriety whatsoever.
I’ve tried a couple and they aren’t bad but I still don’t do them. Too gassy :joy:
I hope you find what your looking for.
Big congratulations on your 3 months.

Oh by the way. I tried some dealcoholised wine. It wasn’t bad. But it just didn’t sit right in my mind. So I don’t bother with that either.

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Its a first step to get proper beer. Be careful… Iv been there…


Thank you for your response, as well as the thread :pray:

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Thank you for your perspective :pray:

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Every stint of sobriety i had with drinking NA beer ended in relapse. I’m 983 days sober right now and haven’t had any NA beer this time around.


Non alcoholic beer is for non alcoholics

I drink NAs and I’m closing in on 3 years sober. They’ve helped me throughout my sobriety. Everyone has different feelings about them, but i can say i enjoy them.


Try Ginger Beer

I was all for it. Drank zeroes like water. Led me to think I’ll be okay drinking real alcohol. IMO, removing yourself from the drinking culture all together is the best idea.

If it’s super cold and you’ve been working hard, zeoes actually have health benefits, but not if it leads to alcohol, a week, a mk th or year later. Not worth it. Treat yourself to something from the supermarket that you wouldn’t normally get. Or buy something else with the money.

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