Alcoholic Genes

Hi everyone! I did the 23andMe genetic testing a few years back- it’s a kit you get in the mail or from Target and you spit in a little test tube, mail it to a lab and a few weeks later you get your results. I did this because I’m adopted and wanted to know about potential health issues since I don’t know my birth family.
I used a new website called to “de-code” some of my raw DNA data- and wouldn’t you know it- I’m an alcoholic! lol.
I thought I’d paste a screen shot here of my results for those interested. Having a predisposition to alcoholism is unfortunately something you are born with and science has proved that. I try to keep this in mind when I’ve been really beating myself up about my various addictions over the years.
Feel free to ask me any questions you might have!


Dang! I was thinking of trying 23andMe. More for the ancestry part, but details would be good to know too. Maybe I’ll ask for it as a Birthday gift!

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Thanks for sharing this!! How much was the kit?

For the health + ancestry kit it’s anywhere from $170-200. Sometimes it’s cheaper at Target than online.

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