All-at-once or step-by-step?

I have an issue with green and alcohol, and I have not been smoking in 7 days. However, a lot of times I would replace it with alcohol, which has been an issue for me for much longer - at first I just would not know my limits, and it slowly grew into the everyday habit.

I am not sure how to approach the situation where drinking is probably more of an issue, but I find green to have more negative influence on my life and quit it first, but I do not know how to get through being comoletely sober.

I have been in asituation where I would try to quit green, alcohol, or white (1.4 years off the latter!), separately, which would result in an endless rotation of only smoking for a day or two, then only drinking, then blowing, and mixing it all together while under influence, only to start it from the beginning next day.

Could anyone advice? I am married and me and my husband both have an issue with smoking, but I am the only one with alcohol addiction and he refuses to stop me or participate in my decision-making on that part. I am constantly freaked out because I cannot deal with everyday life and end up going for a drink. Right now I just do not know whether it is better to focus on one issue at a time, or both.

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It sounds like a real struggle! I don’t have a whole lot of advice, but I can’t begin to tell you how librilating it is to truely think with a clear mind.

I know this is difficult to achieve… I think it took me about 6-8 months to finally make it to that level (so many lapses/relapses in there). I know there was a point that I told myself, I need to use to eliminate my stress and anxiety. It was so counter productive, I don’t even know where to begin looking back.

I think the most important thing I was able to do was break all those big task into small task, which put me on the right track.

Keep fighting and never give up.

@Upala, I delt with a similar situation where I’d rotate through my addictions. I can honestly say the only way to do it is by quitting all of it at the same time. People with our disease can’t handle moderation and must abstain from these addictions completely. Idk how you feel about AA or gaining support from others outside of yourself and husband. I tried many times to do it alone and many times I failed. I went about it differently this time I quit everything 100%, I sought outside help and AA has saves my life I have know doubt about it, this illness of the mind can only be treated not cured and the best way is through support and that’s beat done by others who understand your situation. Which I assume is why your here because you realize this. Take it one day at time, fill your time, go to AA, gain support, exercise, eat healthy, and always remember this is the only fight in your life that is ever worth doing. 75 days latter I’ve been free of drugs and alcohol and know these things work. Keep it simple and WE stay sober and I get drunk/high. Don’t do this alone.