Almost 1 me pick a soberversary tattoo

I could do the unalome but instead of the lotus put Derek’s avatar!!


I’d go for unalome :v:

I love it, the unalome is on my potential tattoo list too! :heart: My vote is the combo too.

If I was getting a tattoo, I’d have the Diamond Icon from Gobekli Tepe, earliest civilisation know to us at the moment (at least 13,000 years old).
Here it is, and the original


And here’s what’s known/guessed about it:

It is interesting to see the “diamond-like” symbol in Göbekli Tepe. It is a new finding, having been discovered on Enclosure H pillar more recently. This sign very much resembles the “medicine man” symbol of Native Americans. A medicine man, or shaman, was believed to have magical powers of spiritual healing and foresight into the future. The outer lines of the symbol represent the four corners of the universe of the physical world: North, South, East and West. The inner lines represent the spirit world which the medicine man had knowledge of. The center circle represents the eye of the medicine man and his spiritual vision.

Now that’s a bit nifty!

Or the Sumerian image of the heavens, possibly including Planet X. If you believe in it. I haven’t got a clue!




Google A.A tats


Appointment is booked. Here is my image (try to imagine it without the white box around the lotus). Hubby has requested that I make it smaller, so it won’t fill the whole forearm anymore…probably about 4 inches.


Can’t wait to see it! Debating if I should get my first tattoo :thinking:

It’ll be 4 weeks. I wanted to get it done ON my soberversary. November 26th!!


As a person with much older tattoos and someone who has worked around older people (and seen lots of old tattoos), please do keep in mind that eventually tattoo lines and colors blur and blend.

Slim lines like Sue is getting are nice and hold up well for a long while. A good choice.


Thanks for the tip! Good to know. If I got one, I’d likely go small & concealed, just lines (thinking of something in honour of my mum, perhaps her writing from an old card, or symbol, word etc).


I have 2 other tattoos that ARE getting quite blurry…but I don’t mind that. I think it is similar to wrinkles and sags with age…it is things that we’ve earned through living a full life. I hope to be an old lady in my nursing home laughing with all the other ladies over what our tattoos USED to look like compared to then.

But that’s just me. I know my husband thinks differently. But he doesn’t like ANY tattoos. He married the wrong woman!!!



Thinking the same here.


Got it done. I’m so happy. :tada:


I’m so happy for you Sue. It’s great when you walk out afterwards isn’t it. The reward for that hard work we have put in.

Oh, how lovely!! What a wonderful gift to yourself!!

That looks great!

Nice fine work. :+1:
Chuck approved

That came out lovely! What a great idea for something to look forward too. I’ve had so many ideas for new tattoos for a while now but never had enough extra cash. I might have to steal your idea(not the picture) for when I make it that far, lol.

Knowing I wanted this helped me get through the last part of the year. Plus the design kinda represents life and my last year.

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