Almost 11 days sober

So after at least 7 years I was addicted/dependent on weed. Now that I’m going almost straight edge I need some advice on withdrawls and recovery etc.
Currently near 11 days sober from weed, 9 months sober from MDMA and party pills


Thankyou for the warm welcome. How long have you been sober and what was your drug of choice?

lol 69 noice. NAH GOOD JOB, you don’t know me and I don’t know you but alcoholism runs in the family and know how hard it is. Am proud of you Mrs.stranger

Exactly! I’m a big believer In generational curses of inheritance and I thought the same. Growing up with a drug fueled pervert dad I didn’t want the same life for my partner, son and now another child on the way (early stages)

I’ve actually referred myself to a drug and alcohol abuse counsellor to gehelp me stay off it. Calling
them tomorrow (as it’s 1:50am)


And thankyou! He my cute Lil potato

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