Im not happy. It’s not worth it. I miss smoking meth everyday. I would trade everything to go back. But the party would only last so long so I can’t. Sobriety sucks. Sex is boring and disappointing. Nothing gives me that same pleasure. I don’t want to keep doing this.
Hey Andrew, I see that ur feeling really frustrated with sobriety. Whats going on? Whats causing u to feel this way?
Recovery is not always going to be enjoyable. But we must remember why we quit in the first place. There were reasons u quit meth. What were they?
Also, to be honest, when i quit meth, it took a looooong time for my brain to balance itself out. Meth is a very euphoric drug. When using, we recieve way more dopamine than is natural. When we quit, our brains need time to build that on its own. Is it possible that maybe ur body and brain still need this time?
I quit cause I couldn’t support myself. I didn’t want to steal or commit crimes to support it. That’s not how I was raised. And I couldn’t stand being around other people.
Hey man, I don’t know you but I’ve heard from many folks in the past years what you stated. Lack lustered feelings about all sorts/parts of theirs lives after quitting meth. I can only recommend working with others who are working a program of some sort. Or the biggest resentment (the one where we decided to stop) will win and you’re back on that wheel.
Just cause we stop using or drinking doesn’t change our world to fucking magic land. It takes some action on our part to get happy & healthy. I do hope this helps, Andrew. Big hugs man.
I watched this documentary on meth addiction 20 years ago that always stuck with me. It changes the structure of the brain to the point that it can’t feel anything without it. But, the brains of recovering addicts do repair themselves. It can just take up to 2 years before it even begins to. I think time is the answer here, and maybe doing something different in your recovery. Change is good when you feel stuck
Almost 7 year’s clean from meth and I do not miss spining in circles getting nowhere. Hope these feelings pass soon.