Almost 3 weeks sober

I have been sober for almost 3 weeks now, I had a struggling year, I always thought I had my drinking under control. But as of a week after last January my mom passed away and all I could do was drink to numb the pain. I ended up drinking 6-8 beer a night and just over the Christmas holidays I had something happen that woke me up. I don’t have many friends as I cut a lot of people out of my life, I don’t know if people want me to fail but when I say I am going to go out they presume I am going to drink. I have no desire to drink as I want a healthier life. I guess what I am trying to ask is should I cut them out as well

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Only cut them out if all you ever so with them is drink, if they are not willing to do activities with you that don’t involve drinking or if they genuinely want you to fail. We have to change people, places and things to smash this disease in to submission. Drinking and using buddies often turn out to not have been true friends at all, the ones that are friends will reveal themselves soon enough so you will know who to keep around mate.
Welcome to the forum. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


The person I am talking about is my gf. She only knows my drinking and I definitely want to change for her, our relationship and obviously myself to be healthier. It’s hard when all she thinks I am going to do is drink. I am trying to be more active

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If the relationship is otherwise good, and it has only been 3 weeks, you might consider she could change her perspective once you have more long-term change to counterbalance your history with her of drinking when you are out. It takes a long time to regain trust and it can be lost in an instant… to me it has been worth the effort for the ones I love.

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