Almost 9 months sober!

A little motivation for anyone who is struggling!! KEEP GOING, IT IS POSSIBLE TO TURN IT ALL AROUND :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Hell yeah man! Get after it!

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That’s awesome! Keep up the hard work!

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That’s awesome! Your doing great!!!

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Wow! Great work!

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Get it brother! That’s impressive!

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Yes sir, either run the day or let the day run you! :muscle:

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Thanks everyone, hard work doesn’t even begin to explain how tough it was in the beginning! But now healthy living and being a good person are my new addictions!


Congratulations and well done on your 9 months! :clap:t2::tada::muscle:t2:

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Congratulations! You look great :star_struck:

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9 months AF turned this sweaty young man into a hot sober dude. :innocent: Right on! What may month ten bring! :joy:

(Before the police comes, I’m not coming on to him! Just giving friendly support!)

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I appreciate the support! No police are required lol thanks for the compliment :slightly_smiling_face:

Congrats man! I’ll be at 9 months too myself on the 12th of this month. What an amazing ride it’s been so far!

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