Almost a week thank you everyone

Hello everyone, it’s my 7th day i am sober.
I am a daily weed smoker the last 10 years and when I don’t smoke I drink! A LOT! Occasionally did cocaine. I always tell myself that weed helped me stop drinking almost every day in the past but it was just another addiction I added to myself.
I hate to remember all I’ve done drunken. I thought I had control of everything, I had my job, my social life, my girlfriend, my drugs and alcohol but I was just an idiot.
I drove a lot drunk, I hated myself after a big night with alcohol and cocaine, i quit my job because I didn’t like it any more(subconsciously I wanted more time to get high)and almost lost my girlfriend last week, when I made the decision to quit everything!! She was the reason to start this but she is not anymore! I do this for myself and I feel great!
This is a very brief version of my story.
I would never believe that I won’t be smoke or drink or do any drug for more than two days, but here I am 7 days!!! :face_holding_back_tears:
Reading everyday all these posts helped me soooo much! Thank you everyone!


Congratulations on a week, that’s a great accomplishment!


Well done on 7 days @philip

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Congratulations @philip thats great! One day at a time, one step at a time :innocent:

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Keep it up! I had to give up weed because I developed CHS and it was a blessing in disguise I never would have given it up. Then my drinking got completely out of control. Now I am committing to living without either. day ten of no alcohol and 7 months no weed! :pray:t2:


Well done for the 1 week, congratulations! :confetti_ball:


Hell week over!! The hardest week imho! Well done you :clap: be very proud i know i am of you :people_hugging:


Thank you everyone :pray: Yesterday was the most difficult day. I went out with some friends and told them that i am not going to drink. They asked me if I am sick or something :sweat_smile: the most difficult part of the night was when shots came, I didn’t smell my shot like few days ago and just put it down!


I’m in the same boat mate I’m on day 18 off weed never seen it as an issue even had a dr prescription. Wasn’t until one night sitting in my shed and just remember wtf am I doing this is not life your family is out there and your isolated on the shed for your addiction nah that was my time to change my kids tell me today I love the new dad but they don’t K ow inside I’m dying feel so dogshit ATM but I’ve had 3 years clean before and Know it gets easier I won’t say better because life is always gonna spit in your face but we find it easier to deal with situations as they arise without having to run to the bong or bottle you got this mate head up

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CHS is so bad I have honestly never meet another person with it I battled it for 15years with Only 6 years clean but every time I’d try and get clean I’d be sick for weeks hence why it was so hard for me the weed was making me so sick when I had and even worse when I didn’t day 18 now and still having issues with it

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I’m so sorry :frowning: my episode was so bad it made me stop right then and there. I never would’ve believed I could go this long without it but I guess I’m just too scared of another episode. It sucks that only some people get it…I hope you feel better soon 🫶🏻

Congrats on a week! Keep going it does get better!