Almost completed 24hrs

Morning everyone,

I hope your feeling good, ive almost completed 24hrs on day one. The comparison to last monday is unreal i was smoking crack and feeling the effects of 3week bender getting through 3 litres of gin a day.

Today i got up walked the dog for an hour at 5am, im feeling positive and enjoyed being fresh and not paranoid and full of dread, its time for change.

The shame ive felt, the lies i told and the amount of situations i have got myself into. I just want my life back. Ive tried so many times but i feel different this time i really really want to make it happen.

Ive been clean from drugs for 7 days and alcohol 1 day.

I hope you all have the best day. Im so glad youre all here and we can support each other.

Nice to meet you xxx


Hi Sophie, welcome here!
You really sound motivated and that’s a great start to build on.
There’s enough support here and also loads of info about all kinds of addiction. I learned a lot here and that knowledge helped me to become and stay sober.
If you have any questions, just ask!

See you around and congratulations for the 24 houres! :confetti_ball:


Morning to you Sophie and a big welcome. We are here for you, you can do this. :muscle:t2::heart:


Hi @SOPHIEB nice to meet you ,well done 24hours from 3 litres of gin is amazing …I liked jack Daniel s that much too but not anymore I’m on day seven now you’ve got this :muscle:


Great to have you with us. We are all just trying to get better, one day at a time.

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