Almost had a wobble

I posted last night about how I’d had the worst 24 hour stint at work. I finished this morning at 10AM, usually after a shift like that I’d be picking up a drink on my way home to drink the stress away. My plan was to go to the gym today and spend the afternoon playing my guitar but the temptation to pick up a bottle of whiskey was definitely there but I stuck to my plan. Despite the tiredness I hit a couple of personal bests which I wasn’t expecting for today and now I’m relaxed on the couch about to pick up my guitar with a couple of non-alcoholic brewdog beers. I’m feeling very proud of myself!


Glad to hear you’re safe. In my experience when I start romanticizing my addiction behaviours, it means I’m missing something. I use “HALT” to help me narrow it down:

  • Hungry (am I physically hungry? Am I spiritually hungry? What do I need for nourishment?)
  • Angry (am I resentful or angry? Why? Have I opened up about that, with my sobriety contacts? Have I thought clearly and fairly about what I can control, and what responsibility and action I need to take for this anger or resentment? Am I taking that action?)
  • Lonely (do I need to call a sober contact or attend a meeting? Do I need sincere, empathetic human contact? Do I need to be seen and understood by someone who understands what it means and how it feels to recover from an addiction?)
  • Tired (am I physically or spiritually tired? What can I do to find rest and recovery?)

Take care and remember, no one does this alone. It is possible; there is lots of wisdom and empathy to lend you strength and support. :innocent:


That is actually super helpful, I will start using that. Thanks mate, hope you’re having a boss weekend! :grin:


Way to go on sticking true to ur plan! Thats not always easy but u did it. I read ur earlier post about the line of work ur in and i can relate to it very much. I dont work with children but i work with adults who have mental health issues and intellectual disabilities. Burn out is high in our line of work and I remember questioning if i could still do my job when i got clean. Just bcuz the stress of working in the helping field can be overwhelming sometimes. Self care is CRUCIAL and i think u absolutely did that yesterday. Way to go!


Thank you! Yeah I think everyone I know in my line of work has a drink after the difficult shifts, it can leave you quite emotionally drained at times. I’m trying to build up healthier coping strategies. I started back at the gym a little while back whilst I was still drinking as I’d really started feeling quite down on myself, I’ve lost around 28lbs since starting and that helped my self image and confidence but I do feel like I need more than just the gym to help me with the days I’m really struggling.

How did you find it doing that line of work when you quit drinking? It’s been feeling really strange just sitting there with my emotions after shifts like that recently.


Oh ABSOLUTELY!!! Right now it depends very much on the client i work with but yes some clients who have alot of obstacles to overcome and who struggle with their mental health alot, it can be very emotionally draining on me. My primary focus is on the them and getting them to a “stable” place. By the time my shift is over, i can feel just so exhuasted and drained.

Initally it was extremely difficult. I used alcohol and drugs to cope with intense emotion and daily stress, so when i had a rough day at work, it was a HUGE trigger to drink and use. But… as time went on and i gained some clean time and learned healthier skills to cope with emotion/stress, it was easier to do this line of work. Now being over 2 years clean, i can have a rough day at work and not even think once about using or drinking to cope. It just took me time to learn new skills. It will feel odd initally to sit with those emotions but i think u did an amazing job yesterday finding other ways to unwind and cope with ur day. Ur job sounds intense and so its super important that u have self care practices in place :slight_smile:

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It sounds like you’re doing amazing work and they’re lucky to have you. You also have the benefit of being able to come to them with empathy and understanding. You should be very proud of yourself! Thank you for your kind words! X