Almost made a huge mistake

I was drunk last night and had no idea what came over me, but I took over 60 pills including 30 Valium. I don’t remember much but I know my husband was very disappointed. I should have make myself throw up, but I passed out. I called into work and I feel like a loser. I’m will be starting off with a goal of 30 days sober and I know this app and community will help get me there. Here goes day one… :sparkling_heart:

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Been there. A few times I’ve taken ambien (abusing it snorting it… OUCHH) nded up blacking out and snorting 40 pills…those drugs that make you black out are the most dangerous drugs ever imo because you are in 0 control and 0 consciousness… Scary. Keep going my friend here’s to day 1!

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Just one bit of advice @Sunshine17, have a goal by all means (mine was a week) but in the shorter term, and for your greater peace of mind, look at days initially, or hours if necessary. One day at a time really helps. And another one that helped me initially was concentrating on avoiding the first drink, everything else falls into place after that. Oh, and keep busy!


Thank you @charledfreck! I think I’m going to like it here!

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Thank you for sharing this. Stay strong!

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