ALT levels are high?

I don’t know if that’s possible…drs are so hard to see, I don’t know if any would see someone who isn’t their regular patient. If I went to a walk in the results would go to my regular dr anyway.

Nope. No confusion. Blood tests is what I want…I just want him to do MORE tests…not just ALT and ALP.

I see. The doctor who took my blood was a registar and I could tell he hadn’t had much training for taking blood samples as it hurt like hell and left me with a bruise. It looked as though I had been trying to inject something.

Ha!!! Ive been there!!!

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Please don’t worry. Your liver can take a beating before anything really goes wrong. If you had some sort of irreversible issue you’d know by now. There would be no mistake.

@VSue There is a rest called FibroScan. In Ontario and other parts of Canada. I haven’t gone, but I’ve looked into it, and some clinics take self-referrals. But you have to pay. I don’t think it’s absurdly expensive, maybe a couple hundred or less but can give piece of mind. It’s like a liver-specific scan, better than ultrasound, that can detect liver tissue abnormalities that can be missed on ultrasound. Could be a route if you’re having issues getting to doc or referrals etc.

Actually not trying to fear monger, but there can definitely be irreversible damage without knowing. I’ve many folks diagnosed with cirrhosis with no warning signs. Can be pretty uncommon but definitely possible.


Got my 2nd set of blood tests back.


All are in normal range. ALT went from 50 to 31 in just a week.

I guess it WAS just the acetominophen from the cold medicine…or perhaps a faulty result last week. I’m still waiting for the results of my ultrasound but based on the blood work it looks like everything is just fine.


Great news! Thanks for the update!

My ultrasound was good too.


Main to factors are Tylenol and alcohol. Takes 48-72 hours to get out of your system there’s always a spike. I’m glad their back to normal! My ALT’s last December were 125! I’ve gotten them down to 47 which is still high but manageable with cirrhosis.

Girl. Stay away from Dr. Google. Wait for the doctors office to call and don’t stress. If it’s a critical value usually the lab lets the doctor’s office know and they contact you if it’s urgent. That’s the misery of patient portals. You can look at results almost immediately yet it’s a waiting game to hear from doctors office.