Am I an alcoholic, Really?

Well, I’m new here and I have no idea what to say, I cant stop drinking tho, I want to stop it
I have been working in bars for so long, i never wanted to drink until I Did and I Liked it … it was fun untill it wasnt … I lost my first serious relationship and I dont want to lose my new one …
Help !


Welcome to TS! It’s really great to have you here! This community is really supportive and compassionate and it’s been a real lifesaver to me.

The first step is to admit that your an alcoholic. That’s the way to recovery. I’m so glad that you wanna stop drinking. Have you considered of attending to some groups like AA or Recovery Dharma? There are plenty of options, you don’t have to be alone. Also being active in this forum could help you a lot. Just read different threads and when you feel like it, share about your journey. We all are in the same boat and remember that you’re not alone in this.

I wish you well and looking forward to read about your journey! You can do it, you got this! One day at a time.


Does it matter if you’re an “alcoholic”? Labels don’t really matter that much. What matters is wether or not it improves your life or makes it worse. If a substance is bad for your life maybe it’s time to remove it.

Welcome to TS🙂


This says it all. You want to stop drinking. Labels aren’t necessary.
You’ve come to a great site to get good support …
Your own thread here is good as is checking in on the daily thread to read what others are doing also.


There are many thousands of posts here to immerse yourself in for support and for knowledge.

Both will help you on your quest.

Going to outside meetings can be helpful also. Many members also go to meetings on the Internet.

Many members stay right here at talking sober and get all the support they need right here.


I think the term ‘alcoholic’ is often feared and probably misrepresented.

Here is some info on alcohol use disorder. But you said it yourself, you can’t stop drinking, therefore, you have a problem.

Welcome to the forum. Read as much as you can here. Loads of great information.
Have you considered trying a meeting?
Have you tried quitting before?

All we can do is take it one day at a time. Just for today, don’t pick up a drink.


Welcome!! I agree with Dan, does it matter if you label yourself? What matters is you know you have a problem and it is no longer fun, so time to stop. There is way more to life than drinking. Learning how to deal with life and feeling uncomfortable can be, well uncomfortable, but feelings don’t last. They aren’t ‘us’. At your essence you got this, just need to dig in and find that shining healthy you. :sparkles:

Lots to read on here to help you along. :people_hugging:


You came to the right place for online support. There is practically an endless supply of resources and tools you can use to help you get & stay sober on here. Nothing beats good old fashioned in-person therapy, though. Using Talking Sober along with in-person AA meetings and in-person therapy will change your life. Any help is good help, but definitely get it from multiple sources. Go to those meetings and talk to a professional about your drinking. You can’t rely too heavily on one specific resource. Stick around and ask questions. Participate in conversations. Glad to see you here.


Toss the “alcoholic” label in the trash, it’s an outdated term. Simply ask yourself, is alcohol a problem for me? Is it is it affecting your health, mood, relationships etc?

If the answer is yes and from what you describe it sounds like it is, then it’s well worth trying to quit. You don’t have to be dependent on alcohol for it to be a problem in your life. We all have different reasons for giving up on it.


I started my recovery journey for the same reason. That was one of the reasons I joined Talking Sober, because there are people here who understand.

Labels don’t matter that much. A problem is a problem, whatever label is used.

The important thing is you want to lead a healthy life, and it sounds like for you, a healthy life is a life where you consume zero alcohol. Good for you! Health is good :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to Talking Sober :wave: :innocent:


Welcome to the forum :hugs:

I only know I am definitely an Alcoholic in recovery I don’t know about you…
But if you can’t stop drinking or go a few days or weeks without even thinking about a drink thats a huge warning sign.
I think you know there’s a problem or you wouldn’t have reached out. The first step is admitting it and then taking action, getting support from a Medical profession if needed, dispose of all alcohol and stopping drinking and we will be here to support you.


“I would rather go through life sober, wondering if I’m an alcoholic, than drunk, wondering if I can get sober.”


I ckecked all those points… well I Am ready to stop :raised_hand:

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Have you opened upto your partner? Its best to be honest and explain you just need their support even if they don’t understand (a normal drinker won’t get it and thats ok).
I can only speak from my experience but the first thing that really helped me was pouring all the alcohol away and not allowing it in the home, then going to a Dr for help and talking through options, then I prepared for how I was going to get through the next 24 hours.

Your journey maybe slighty different, depending on your circumstances, but having support is so helpful. You may find local meetings help AA or medication from a Dr.
You’ve made the first step, well done :hugs:

Medications ?
What do you mean ? To control my need to drink ?
And yes I did, I spoke about it, but , he would never understand me or support me, for him its just his boyfriend having a drink kinda situation …

To my latino community, show me how are you doing … diganme mi gente, como se hace facil ?