Am I even technically "SOBER"?

I am recovering from pain pills (percocets). I am finding it very hard to be excited that I am clean from percs only because a doctor prescribed me Suboxone an opiate blocker… Am I even sober? Just because a pill is telling my brain not to crave something else, Or just stuck on another drug … :confused:

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I get it pal. That’s a tricky one. But yes, you are Sober!

Look at it like this. Do you feel guilty when you take the subs?? Do you have to do anything shady to get your subs?? Do you have to do anything illegal?? Do subs make your life unmanageable??

The list goes on. You are sober



@gabe is 100% right. :point_up:

“Do subs make your life unmanageable” is the biggest question here.


Suboxone helps an addict get used to not chasing a high all day, and not worrying where you will get your next dose. But suboxone itself is very addictive, and has a longer withdrawl period than most opiates. You could say you are clean, but you cant escape withdrawls, Which will happen if you stop taking suboxone.

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I’ve asked myself the exact same question. Wow I truly love reading these posts and giving feedback.

I am in a similar situation with suboxone. I asked my doctor what the real difference was between using an opiate and suboxone (seeing how it is a form of an opiate also)…but that’s just it. It’s a form of one. The thing that makes suboxone so amazing is that it has naloxone (an opiate blocker) in it meaning it makes it hard to overdose or potentially get high off it. So it’s hard to abuse it. It only covers your opiate receptors enough to make you “normal”. So it is a great product for addicts that require something to get thru their addiction.


I have been addicted to opiates for 15 years. I feel your pain. I chose to be on the Vivitrol injection. I’ve been clean for almost 7 months. If you’re taking the suboxone as prescribed you absolutely are sober. You have to do what’s best for you. Hang in there!


You are sober. You’re transitioning and taking care of yourself in a really hard process of recovery. Its absolutely the right thing to do. I know that the early stages of recovery can be really dangerous. You need to stick with it, be gentle and be proud of yourself, not second guess if it counts. It does count and you are doing amazing.

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Thank you. I appreciate it. Feeling better😊

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Right. I just found this app since i became sober amd absolutely love it! Think it would of helped in the past with quitting. Glad to know there are other people in the same situation as me


Thanks so much. :blush:

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You are sober! Everyones recovery route is different, and i mean everyones… if you are getting suboxone from a doctor, taking it as prescribed, not selling it, then i dont see the problem… Its a medication and should be treated as one. Like any other medication you would take for blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Youre taking it to treat your addiction, not to get high. And for those people that say youre not clean or sober, who cares what they think… So now youre not clean enough for people, wow, sounds like they might have some issues they need to work out. But i will say this, i would not announce it openly to the world, like at a meeting or something, being there is judgemental people out there. No matter where or what we do, someone always has something to say, always… So i wouldnt feed them the bait.


Opiates are one of my two demons. Im on 63 days no pain pills, but i take less than the precscibed amount of suboxone. It helps tremendously. Just to feel normal. I get no high whatsoever. I do plan to taper off subs at some point…was actually going to come up with a taper off plan this weekend. I have struggled with the same issue - am i sober since i tske sub - but my conclusion is im sober since it doesnt get me high…just completely removes any urge to take an oxy or perc… i consider it a win.


This is perfect. Thank you

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