Am I the only one who used to just do cocaine by itself without alcohol?

Just curious, I was thinking about it randomly. Whenever I did cocaine, I never really liked drinking alcohol with the cocaine. It felt like too much for my heart. Even when I was at parties, I’d just be hovering around the coke plate railing all these Hollywoods but I never liked drinking while doing cocaine. Am I only one who was like this during active addiction with cocaine? Everyone I know who recovered from cocaine addiction always seemed to like drinking plus cocaine, but never cocaine by itself like how I did.

I’m not interested in doing cocaine ever again or combining it with alcohol or anything. Cocaine sucks, I’m glad to be finally breaking free from it. Just genuinely curious about this.


My DOC was crack cocaine but i also did cocaine by itself too. I have never been much of a drinker (rarely drank if at all) so when I used that drug, it was on its own. So ur not alone in that fact.


Ah okay thanks! :smiley: You’re an inspiration to me btw, if you can quit and stay off of crack long-term, then I can quit cocaine long-term!!! Thanks for being here, I really appreciate you and the others :slight_smile:


I was a big drinker in highschool, but after I graduated is when I discovered cocaine. I did it everyday for 3 years and rarely drank during this time. I smoked weed, but hated them together. When I finally got away from the coke and turned 21, that’s when my drinking career really took off. I did coke here and there but I never needed them together. I know a lot of people who do.


I did for a few years once when I quit drinking many many years back. Thinking that wasn’t my problem just alcohol was.
Then it all came together, cigarette, weed, cocaine and alcohol all together.
Nowadays I wouldn’t even think to get cocaine by itself. But if I drank a drink it would definitely be together.

So glad to be free of it all.

Good to see you doing so well :sunflower:


Congrats on quitting all those substances btw!!! :smiley: After it’s been a while off of cocaine I’m definitely gonna quit cigarettes, which I anticipate should be a lot easier for me than cocaine since I notice my nicotine cravings don’t seem to be nearly as strong as my coke cravings. But at the same time, I know everyone is different. Some people crave cigarettes more than coke, some crave coke more than cigarettes :smiley:


Awe thats really nice of you to say that. I seriously didnt think in the beginning that i could stay clean. I could never get passed 3 days and kept relapsing. But i swear to u that it does get easier. People use to say that to me and i had a hard time believing it bcuz those early days/months were rough. But no matter what… dont pick up! Youre doing absolutely amazing work getting to where u are now! Im super impressed. I see the effort ur making and that continued effort will get u far :slight_smile:


I was addicted to crack and meth and did cocaine on its own too. Hardly if ever drank while I did drugs. Been clean and sober 20 months


I did cocaine when I was 18 ish. Did it for a couple years. Only when I was drinking. It was never my thing tho. It would give me a bloody nose and gave me chest pain. I haven’t messed with it in over 15 yrs.

I wish you the best in your recovery.


Thanks yall!!! :smiley: Yeah tbh fuck cocaine, I’m barely even craving it now that I’ve been really doing this whole sobriety thing. The gym and this forum and all the meetings have been vital to my sobriety.

I truly couldn’t have done it without yall supporting me. It truly means a lot to me :smiley:

Someday once I’ve been sober from cocaine for a few months, I’m going to take a bunch of the money I would’ve spent on cocaine and donate it to TalkingSober, SMART Recovery, and Cocaine Anonymous! :DDD These places are godsend for me and they should continue to thrive! :smiley:

Like dude for real, I once thought my coke addiction was going to kill me, and it probably was considering that it was giving me daily heart palpitations, but I’m finally starting to see the light again :slight_smile:

It’ll probably be like thousands of dollars in donations, but probably the best donations I’ve ever made :smiley:


When i did coke it was always with drinking but i think that was just because it was part of the culture really…had coke been more readily available to me id have done it on its own for sure and most likely got addicted to that aswell…it was escape and numbing myself that i was addicted to so anything that got me there would do…so pleased im out of that loop now :pray:


If I was drinking, I wanted to get high.
But if I was getting high, I didn’t want to drink.

I have never been much of a drinker (maybe once a year) but I was a daily cocaine user for years.

I am now almost 18 months sober. :blush:

Congratulations on your 9 days! The first days are the hardest. I’m proud of you for taking this step in getting better :people_hugging::clap:t3::tada: