Amazing Mornings

It’s almost 5 AM here in my little Kansas town and I have already done the dishes, fed the dogs and did my yoga routine. When I was drinking I would have stayed in bed as long as I could because I was hungover and then wondered into work late. The way I feel now is so much better. Starting to find my old self again. :heart:


Go you :+1:I enjoy sober but bed is gooood :grin:have yourself a wonderful day.


I hear you!! I love my mornings now…what a relief after all those years of dreading morning and whatever it would expose to the light again. Enjoy your day!!!


I love mornings much more now. Although when I initially stopped drinking I was getting up earlier and found it easy. Now I’m on day 16 I feel really tired again and am struggling to wake up. That said though,i can honestly say I’m having the best quality sleep I’ve had in decades.
I still feel so mush better.
You go girl! :muscle:


God this reminds me of druggie nights and the feeling of impending doom, dreading the morning with every fiber of my being. :skull::skull::skull: I’m getting retroactive anxiety just from the memory of that!!
Life is not intended to be lived like that!

I love getting up early, always have. One thing is though when I’m not 120% on top of my game, dealing with depression and insecurities internally, even nowadays anxiety can creep into my morning and I stay put in bed too long. :roll_eyes:even though I’m awake and say reading, or making plans, which is immediately much better than sleeping in or hungover, but I feel it’s ultimately also a form of avoidance. Then I struggle all day to make up for the guilt of that. Getting my excercise routine done “too late”, getting home from walking the dog “too late”, and this adds to confusion and anxiety during the rest of the day and a sense of failure and wrongness.
Any advice on how practically to get myself actually started quicker? Getting up at 0530 but then not actually getting up till 0730 makes only so much sense…

@MommaHope I’m so proud of you! You’re rocking early sobriety, lady! Sorry for highjacking your thread :sweat_smile:


No worries! I do have to tell myself when my alarm goes off at 4 AM to just get up. No matter what, get out of bed. Once I get moving it gets easier and my mood improves.


Yes I think accountability would help me too. I also self-strucure my days as not working again yet. I’m thinking should I tighten my time in the morning, so that I have to get up sooner to get shit done, but that also breeds the (huge) possibility of failing and then resentment and self-hate… But maybe I’ll write out a time plan for myself, just to account for that time a bit better. I dunno. It’s difficult. I’ve become a structure nut. Gotta have it these days!! :sweat_smile:


Same here for the non-structure. I work from home on my thesis. I started waking up at 6am last week to get more things done in the morning because the day goes too quickly if I wake up later. Nobody is waiting for my work to be done except me so it’s hard maintaining a high level of productivity. But I’d like to wake up earlier. But I also need the sleep, like 8 hours. What time do you go to bed if you wake up at 4-5 ?? I have hard time going to bed before 10 and it takes me at least half an hour to get to sleep. I guess the main idea for me to wake up earlier would be to go to bed earlier too. Because anyways passed 5PM I’m not doing anything on my work anyways, so it’s just cozy time prepping food and chilling with my gf and reading. I’ve always been a late night guy (working in bars for 10 years) so the switch is not easy.

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Waking up early and feeling good is THE best!! I get up at 5 am as well. I have coffee with my husband before he goes to work. Then some yoga and “me” time! Love it!!!


Good for you! That’s a wonderful feeling. Thank you for sharing :smile:


I go to bed by 9 usually to get up at 5. Of course that’s with a good night sleep. If I dont sleep well I sometimes need to stay in bed an extra hour or two.

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i’m so happy to read this! please keep us updated whenever you feel inclined :heart:

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I have also started to love mornings—not having a hangover is truly the best way to start the day. Getting a good nights sleep is so wonderful. Happy to read all of this and find it encouraging :heartpulse:


Edgerton. We have a gas station and a liquor store

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