Ambiguous grief

Anyone experiencing this?


Can you clarify a bit? Do you mean ambiguous in the sense of you are not sure specifically what you are grieving about? Or not sure if it is actually grief, or maybe some other emotion?

I’ve definitely felt emotions that I struggle to label. I sometimes struggle to even be aware that I’m feeling the emotion - sometimes it runs under the surface, like static electricity in clothing, then “bam!” I touch something and the static electricity comes out.


Ambiguous grief is with loss that is not as clear cut as death, so loss of self due to addiction, loss of self with mental health challenges, divorce, but also missing persons etc.

Ambiguous loss has same grief process but it can make certain steps more complicated.

What would you like to know or help with?


Are you talking about what Esther Perel calls “ambiguous loss”? It’s the second item in this article: