An Introduction 💜

Hello to all you beautiful souls :smiling_face:
I’m 39 years old and this is my first time seeking a sober community.
I find it difficult and rather lonely when drinking is so normalized and most of the people in my life drink.
I don’t judge them and I know not everyone has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, but I sure did :raising_hand_woman::sweat_smile:
I’m here seeking likeminded people who are on similar paths, that understand this lifelong reality and struggle.
I know that sobriety is also an extremely exciting and powerful thing to embrace as well.
I’m happy to have found a place to not only celebrate it, but to express the not so pleasant moments as well.
One of my favorite quotes is: ‘Until we have met the monsters in ourselves, we will keep trying to slay them in the outer world. For all darkness in the world stems from darkness in the heart. And it is there we must do our work.’

Here’s to facing our own darkness and doing the work. :candle:


Welcome! There are plenty of people on a similar path to you here. For me, this really is a place to feel understood. That is a nice quote. :blush:

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Welcome Siena, there is always lots of great advice and knowledgeable people here to lean on in tough times.
Look forward to living your best life :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome Sienna,
This app has done a lot for my recovery. Sober for years now with the support of it, It’s a huge part of my sober life.
I wish you the same :raising_hand_woman:


That’s so wonderful to hear :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And well done on your journey.
What has been a highlight in your sobriety? If you care to share.

Welcome Sienna :slightly_smiling_face:. This place can offer success stories and stories of falling… Both have been helpful to me over the past 5 years. If you work on your sobriety everyday (especially the days you don’t want to) you’ll likely find success.

P.S. I don’t struggle with thoughts of alcohol anymore, that part will eventually fade :wink:


Welcome :blush: Great post! Love that quote :heart: Sounds like you’ve got a plan going into this, and that’s important. This place was a Godsend when I began my journey. There’s so much encouragement, understanding, and wisdom. Happy to have you here and looking forward to hearing more from you :pray:


That’s great news, Dan :smiling_face:
Something for me to look forward to for sure.
I haven’t really been having cravings after this first month. I’m enjoying being absolutely hangover free and the moments I do think or consider “moderating” :roll_eyes:
I try and play the entire tape out in my mind and remember that it’s not a pretty ending.

What’s one of your favorite NA drinks to treat yourself with?


Thank you, Laura :smiling_face:
What a warm welcome!
I’m happy you’ve found success and happiness on your journey. I’m sure it’s come with its own struggles and darkness.
I hope you’re proud of yourself :purple_heart:

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I’ve been drinking waterloo or aha waters. I missed the vaccinations carbonation so these hit the spot :slightly_smiling_face:.

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One of the biggest highlihts is my personal growth on multiple levels.
Like I’m more secure of myself and dare to get out of my comfortzone. I tried a lot of new things and my life including myself is more colourfull!