And it begins

Good luck! You can do this


Welcome. Theres no embarrassment in starting over. I almost had a year in April and had to start over…3 times after that. I’m at 87 days now. Your partner may never understand what you’re going through. It seems to me that he doesn’t understand addiction. It’s not easy for someone that knows we love them to understand why we do what we do. Maybe you can take this opportunity to educate him on what aalcoholism really is? There are open meetings as well in AA. You can bring him along for support. Just throwing a few ideas out there. Good luck to you! Keep reaching out.


I went that route. I had a couple of slips and didn’t restart. It wasn’t too long before my accountability started slipping. My sponsor called me on it. She said a slip is one thing but you’re choosing to drink which is completely different. So, I reset and then a week later, I reset again. The days were getting closer and closer until a friend asked me…so are you going to start drinking again? That question put me back on track.


I appreciate your perspective, sober on!


So if I go out and shoot some dope tonight I get to keep all my days and call myself sober? Fuck yeah! I love this game. Let’s hope I don’t overdose and die!

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So no dope then? Is crack cool? Or is it only okay to relapse on booze? In that case I hope I don’t drive and kill someone else when I crash my car.

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A slip is a relapse. Period. I’m glad the OP is back on the wagon. I hope they don’t read all these comments and think that they can drinking in any any amount will benefit them.

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My doc was beer, cider, lager all what you describe as weak. Yet I was still addicted to it because it drowned out the shit I didn’t want in my life. I am an alcoholic.
What @Cate says is true, this is a sober site. Not a I don’t do hard drugs or hard liquor site.
Enjoy your life. I certainly am now I’m clean. No need to worry about alcohol at all.


Sobriety isn’t about punishing myself but it IS about growing and changing the way that I live my life. If I’m going to continue to seek refuge in alcohol I am doing neither. Whatever works for you is great! If I live my recovery that way then I am no long holding myself accountable for my actions. I’ll be drinking every day before I know it.

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I’m glad I don’t actually have that mindset because one of those so called acceptable slips would most likely end my life.


Nobody is talking about regret and feeling bad. If you read around on here you will see that people are encouraged to learn from the mistake. But the reason behind the reset is that if you don’t reset this time, maybe Thursday, when you have a beer, you don’t reset because you say I’ve learnt from it. Then the weekend comes along and you have a drink. Oh its ok I’ve learnt from this I won’t reset.
Now you have 5 days but you have drunk 2?
So you’re not sober.
It’s called accountability!


For me, the magic only happens with continuous, uninterrupted sobriety from all alcohol and drugs. For me, I will reset my timer with any intentional consumption.

These discussions tend to get heated, so just going to tag some mods to keep an eye out. @SassyRocks @C-sun @NewPerspective


But you know what does keep a person sober? Not drinking. And if we are giving ourselves permission to go drink, because “hey it doesn’t count!!” how exactly do we expect to get or stay sober?


But we’re not talking about bullying here.
Are we not talking about acceptance. Accepting we have no control over alcohol!

As I’ve said above, this was my doc. If I have one now, I won’t stop. It’s not a case of I’ll have one tonight and stop tomorrow. Because I won’t. I have accepted this.
Not being aggressive just saying.

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Totally agree, you still have the days behind you. You still know how it feels to do the work.
I see that @Fargesia_murielae, the guy that stirred this up has gone!!!:thinking:

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Let’s not forget that sobriety and recovery is different for everyone. Attacking each other isn’t going result in anything. At the end of the day, we’re all going to do what we’re going to do. I worry about my own sobriety and recovery. Whatever every one else does is their business. I provide encouragement and feedback when I can. That being said, every body is going to do whatever they want to do…


But is it best not to even try!!!??
As I said, I may not stop this time. This time I might end up killing a kid, loosing my family, loosing my life!
Just saying how I see it.

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Yeah but as I said Joy, the guy who stirred it up has gone!!!

I love people.